The barbeque that changed my year

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The journey to celkirk is the longest thing ever doesnt help when the radio always stops working half way thier, i see my mum past out making me wonder how she never has a sore neck when she wakes up im currently lying down in the backseat reading the phone i am currently using to write this story with its like 2 years behind fashion now samsung s4 i still use it on long journeys to fall asleep easier and now use it to bring you my stories.I wake up when we are like 5 minites away from it which i dont mind as we are in thier town away from all the cross country like roads that should be questioned in why some are two way roads.We are late to this barbeque get together as we stopped by my grandads before going over and the fact that i took my time aint no late unless its fashionably late that thought did cross my mind to be completly honest tho my family were looking forward to it just about as much as i was.We are going up the hill they stay up thier all im thinking is here we go again im gonna be so bored out my mind, i get out the car door dreading being stuck in a room of these people i hardly speak to, i noticed the front door was shut so my dad had to chap the door i promise we werent that late Hilary opened the door a women in her 40tes blonde always slightly messed up hair brown eyes about 5'9 in height not the skinnest ethier the type you see a lot here in celkirk.she smile slightly while seeing us i heard my mum saying "sorry we are late" then she replied "oh dont be slilly come in" she pulled the door back so we could step inside thier dogs come running towards the door they are what i like about going thier see my dog just isn't affectionate thats a story for another day also :"D i love thier dogs one is a lab called honey the other not sure ehat kind it was his name was ocar he wasnt as affectionate now as he was before as they had just got honey not to long ago and ocar got to be too old to fight for attention he sadly passed away after this barbeque. We walked in noticed the usaual suspects as my cousins to be here CJ, Marcus, and Troy, CJ was the one i thought was nicest looking out of them all they are more the geeky type of guys, CJ was tallish guy with light brown hair that he had spiked slightly brown eyes and decent clothes on considering what he normally wears is tracksuits today he had on jeans and a teshirt, Marcus was shorter than CJ went for a smiler kind of look as CJ tho apart from it was a superdry teshirt he wore i thought to myself huh they actually do have some style when i spotted it,and then Troy he has some troubles speaking and most times you do not understand what he is saying he always insists on talking to me the thought is nice and all but turefully i hear him say my name and like nothing else so i have a moment of thinking oh here we go when he said "Hey colette" i look to him and say "Hey Troy" he goes back to talking to the people around him i sit down i notice two girls sitting in the corner ive never seen before one has blonde hair and i currently couldnt see her eye colour but i later found they were blue making me slightly jealous as ive always wanted blue eyes her hair was straight and she wore little to no makeup looked about my age and i thought huh mabye i can talk to them and this will be less boring, The other girl had pretty light brown hair that was pushed up making her an inch taller than what she already is later i found she most definitely does not need the inch she could be a basketball player, she looked to be older than me maby 17 her dark eyes and the little flick i should have reconised as the alternative kind of people as most do this little flick at thier eye i couldnt see her eye colour from where i was sitting even tho she was sitting closer than the other girl, The conversation that was happeing while i was sitting thier i totally zoned out from after getting bored of whatever they were saying i found myslef looking over to them again seeing them talk i thought at the time they knew each other somehow but now i know they just got to chatting and coz i was late i didn't know any better, i needed to use the bathroom i got up noticed them both looking at me as i walked by came back down and felt more out of place from when i come in see when i came in all the teens/kids were sitting over thier with the new girls all on the floor and then their was me sitting on the couch away from them all when i came back down they had now formed a circle for some still unknown reason i felt so out of place i was going to sit back on the couch when i heard "Hey colette come sit with us" i may not understand Troy most times but he is a sweetheart i smile as i sit a little outside the circle then i heard the pretty brown haired girl say "Hey guys move up so colette can get in" i didnt say anything i just smiled in her direction moved a little then decided to thank her after debating in my mind if i should im socially awakward that way, she never said anything back she just nodded her head as if to say you'r welcome to be honest i don't remember the conversation but i was happy being included later i sat next to my dad and their were these concerts i was going to and i was talking about looking forward to them ocar walked up & i started to pet him which made me notice the pretty girl with the brown hair sitting thier ocar ended up going over to her i wasnt bothered i went back to talking to my dad when i happend to say "You know who i wish was comming but isn't? " he looked at me and said "who" curiosity in his voice i answered "Demi like why cant she come its so annoying" i heard the girl say "Demi? as in Demi lovato" i was slightly put back by her jump in and i heard curiosity on high levels when she asked me it made me wonder why she was so eager to know, i nodded my head slightly she smiles and said "Im like obbessed with her" i didn't know what to say back to her im not use to meeting a demi lovato fan (she is actually a lovatic im more of a fan) it did cross my mind not gonna lie that  i was happy to know it aint just me, she just continued petting ocar.After that i slight wondered where the blonde one went off to last time i seen her we were in the circle, i walked over to the door to the backyard to see if she was out here turns out she was it looks to be her dad sitting next to her i disipear before anyone notices me thank god she wasn't looking in the direction of the door i thought to myslef i slightly smiled at how much im a dork by getting slightly worried about a blonde girl who i dont even know the name of, i seen the one i deemed the prettiest out of the two new girls i seen saying to who looked to be her mum "Hey do you think they would have anymore..." i had to get by her as i started to feel awakward standing behind them and the fact i needed the bathroom again its all the juice ive been drinking so i didn't have to talk to any of them smart thinking i know :"D i interrupted what ever the girl was gonna ask by saying "excuse me" she turned around the bluest eyes ive seen up close to date and i noticed her overpowering height that made me sure she was older than me she said "oh yeah of course sorry" and moved so i could get by her and her mum who i knew for sure was her mum when she looked at me she is like the spitting imagine of her, i walked past them to go to the bathroom before i went downstaires i heard Marcus talking to Troy saying something like "yeah i didnt expect her to be here we havent seen her in like forever" who i knew was Marcus i didnt want to listen in so i walked back downstaires everyone looked to be outside including my rents so i walked out they looked to be barbecuing marshmallows thier was an open seat next to the preitter one and the blonde one sat next to her we talked a little the boy with black hair and green eyes said to me "you should try one they are really good" he is about 9 or 10 i heard the girl sitting next to me say "Kian if she doesnt want one leave her be" i looked at both of them and said "i will have one actually thank you" i smiled as he handed me one i thought in my head i think he is her brother you can tell by the way they act towards each other i tried one honestly i didnt like it i voiced it after two of them "I dont really like them" i put the stick back down i heard kian say "oh well more for us then" he said cheekily to me his sister looked to be angry at him being cheeky i just looked back at him and smiled ammused and said "yeah i guess it is" his sister tuned to me and said "sorry about him" i seen her looking in kians direction i looked at her and said "oh no dont be kids will be kids" i smiled at her she smiled back at me then we hatched a plan to get the rents to let us go outside at like 12 o clock at night or smth to play hide and tag and to go to the park afterwards the pretty girl rents were not up for the idear but she manged to convince them to let her go, it was me,Pretty girl, Blonde girl, Marcus, Troy Kian and some boy i didnt know and of couse CJ.It was freezing the blonde girl was shaking she told us "wait up let me get my zipper" we walked to the wall after she returned they debated who would count first it wasnt me and i dont remember who it was i do however know it wasnt any the people i knew counting coz i seen them while finding a place to 'hide' i was walking around around not bothered by this game at like all i was the easiest target,I seen Troy he started running away i was up for catching him coz he thinks he is all that i was running after him he ran towards the school i remember telling the two new girls that i dont scare easily so i was not bothered like at all at the fact it was dark i was focused on catching this boy i trapped him at this bit of the school he manged to get by me tho i thought i cant be fucking bothered going after him i was about to go when i heard whispers it got me curious i walked over i didnt see anything  i hear then "Boo" as loud as anything not gonna like that scared me so much i can't even i seem it was the two new girls that were like we got you i was like that wasnt even funny in the slightest they asked where Troy went i told them they daid lets go get him i smiled at this and said "you two are bitchies you know that? " they chuckled while we went to get troy  after getting troy the blonde one felt like she broke her ankle so we stopped the game and asked if she was still up for going to the park with us she said "hell yeah" so we helped her to the park me + pretty brown haired girl were behind making sure blonde hair girl was good the pertty one turned in my direction and said "oh i just realised ive still not told you my name sorry about that" a little chuckle when she said sorry about that and her eyes shifted to me when she said "im kara and this is lucy" i was happy to finally know thier names i looked over at her and said with a smile "its all good and you already know mime so good to offically meet you" i said with amumesment kara laughed slightly and lucy looked over at me and gave me a smile which i returned.After like fourty attempts of tying to scare us later which all failed for me but those girls are scared by them like 20 times we made it to the park lucy felt better so she put pressure on her leg then after a while she was running around the park going on the seasaw with kara sitting on karas lap on the swing, them telling me come over here colette a bunch of times coz i was sitting a little away from them  i walked up to the swing after lucy was done pushing kara she was still behind me marcus waa behind the other swing and kara was standing in front of me at the side but i could see her im not exactly sure where troy was when i was swining somone hit my ass at the time for some reason i never asked any questions no one knew who hit my ass ater i asked them a few weeks after it happend. Me kara lucy were at the gate from the inside looking out the boys were on the outside talking to us kara gave me that look where you know they wanna talk to you so we moved away from lucy when she whispered to me...

ohh cliffhanger what do you think she said to me?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2015 ⏰

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