the untold story of eyes.

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1 (iris's POV)

headlights shined brightly in the distance. speeding towards me , further and further until the light became blinding.

I didn't care. I didn't move. I was ready to let fate take me. take me away from this life I've been cursed with.

then the car stopped , so close the feeling of freezing metal seeped through the thin fabric of my shirt.

I was not relieved though. no , relief would have come only if the car wouldn't have stopped. I was over come with a feeling of doom. I couldn't escape.

the sound of a car door opening brought me out of my thoughts and reality hit.

what will the driver do ?

what if they're upset with me ? it was my fault after all. I know all to well what happens when people are upset with me.

god why ? why couldn't you have let it hit me ? why can't I get out ?

"OH MY GOD !" a booming voice came from inches away. I knew it. I knew this would happen. it always does.

"ARE YOU OKAY ? Are you hurt ? did I hit you ? oh my god , I am so fucking sorry ! let me see you" I looked up to see a boy. he looked to be about 18 , only a year older then me.

he was honestly beautiful. a mop of chocolate curls on his head and a well defined face. but looks meant nothing , only eyes told a story.

when I looked into his eyes I didn't see rage , nor hate. only an abundance of kindness , something I had only seen in few people's eyes.

seeing that much kindness and concern was all it took. for the first time in my short life I finally broke. tears began pouring down my face , as I slowly backed into a tree near the side of the road.

"hey , hey. shhh." the boy said as he walked towards me , his deep voice only making it worse. he slowly reached out to me and pulled me into his warm embrace. I latched onto him as if letting go meant the world crashing in on its self.

i shook with sobs as he held me tighter. I didn't know this person , nor what would happen from there. I only knew that at that moment in time , nothing could be heard but the sound of our hearts beating.

authors note !

so , I am ready for this story and have plans and everything ! sorry you guys if the no capitalization and the beginning of sentences bothers you , my OCD wont let me xD any who. I hope you enjoy.

P.S. the chapters will be kinda short but there will be a lot of them.

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