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3 (iris's POV)

yawning , I stretched my sore muscles and snuggled further into the mattress. wait. mattress ?! shooting up I looked around to find an unfamiliar room. I was still in my clothes from yesterday , my favorite outfit to be exact. black leggings and a turquoise sweater with "believe in love" across the front in cursive. though it was a hand me down , I loved it any way.

getting out of the bed I slowly opened the door worried of what I would find on the opposite side.

a soft snoring filled my ears when I walked into what seemed to be a living room. I looked to find the boy from yesterday asleep on the couch. curls point in every direction , his mouth open slightly. giggling slightly I thought back to yesterday , realizing I missed work.

"SHIT !" I said in worry. at the sound of my curse the boy quickly rose up. at that moment I saw he was shirtless. and he had abs.

"what ? what is it ? are you okay ? are you hurt ?" he said rushing over too me inspecting every inch of me.

"no no ... I missed work." it hit me then , the consequences that came from that.

"don't worry love , I told maylee what happened yesterday. she said she would still give you your pay. she's actually the one who told me to bring you here." he chuckled lightly.

"thank you. thank so so much ..." I left off embarrassed I still didn't know his name.

"Harry. Harry styles." he replied quickly , with a genuine smile , revealing dimples.

"thank you Harry." looking at the clock I realized it was 8 in the morning.

"uhm .. about last night. what happened ?" he asked carefully not wanting to upset me.

"n-nothing. I was just shocked is all." I lied through me teeth.

"oh alright. well , what time do you have to be home ?" he asked obviously not believing me.

"it honestly doesn't matter." I said quietly knowing no one cared when I was there , as long as they got a pay check.

"oh. well why don't we just get to know each other ?" he suggested.

"sure , I'd like that." I answered smiling softly. he walked over to the couch and patted the spot next to him.

"so , your names iris right ?" he asked as I sat down.

"yes. so Harry , tell me about yourself ?"

"I am 19 years old. I live here in London by myself. I have a cat , that's around here some where , named sir meowington , and I love to sing." he said while still looking around for his cat.

I giggled uncontrollably. why was I like this ? I hardly ever smile let alone giggle.

he smiled warmly at me as I asked his why on earth he named his cat sir meowington.

"because mr. seemed to formal." his answer sent me into a yet another fit of giggles as I leaned on to him for support.

the second my hand touched his shoulders a warm feeling spread through out me. it was strange , but I liked it.

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