Chapter 11 - Weapons

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Bobo was clearly disappointed that the flower vase just had to get ruined. But that didn't matter, what mattered was who was behind the desk.

Trooper stepped closer to the rattling noise behind the front desk, and asked who was behind it, most likely a bad idea, but he did it anyway.

''..Galf, is that you?'' Trooper asked. But no response answered his question, instead, there was nothing but silence for a few seconds until the two of them suddenly heard snoring. It was obvious there was a sleepy shopkeeper behind the desk, snoring away. After all, it made sense, Trooper looked at the alarm clock which showed the time to be 5am. He was right in the first place.

''Right.. of course, you're asleep.''

''But he sleeps for the majority of the damn day! Galf! GET UP!'' Bobo yelled at Galf, walking towards the passed out shopkeeper.

''We'd appreciate it if you'd wake up, we have sort of emergency here.'' When nothing but snoring was heard from the shopkeeper, Trooper got irritated and kicked him with his boot 'gently'.

''OW! Jeez! Let me sleep, would you?!'' Galf woke up, grabbing his cap from the table and putting it on his head. He'd slowly get up from the dusty floor. ''What do you even want at..'' He'd look at the alarm clock, ''5am?! Are you insane?! What's wrong with you-''

He was cut off by Bobo, whose words set him in a stance. ''Jard's turned into an octopus!'' He yelled.


''What he's trying to say, is that Jard got attacked by some monster, and he turned into some kind of infected creature.. I'm not sure, but he chased us, and we had to walk back here because we didn't have the watch.'' Galf looked surprised at this sudden information, and found it hard to believe, he just looked at them strangely.

''And how am I supposed to believe this? Give it up you too, April 1st already passed-''

''We're serious. There's something wrong with him. I can't even tell who he is anymore. He tried to attack us, and we were with Defect, but he disappeared..'' Trooper said, worried about the shopkeeper's friend.

''Where is he?'' Galf's tone suddenly turned serious, but he still kept a tired look on his face, bags showing from under his eyes.

''We don't know, as where we last saw him, he should be somewhere around Defect's cabin.''

Galf then proceeded to grab his backpack, and put some cigarettes in it, a knife, and some snacks, he then opened the emergency fire ax case, and passed the ax to Trooper. Bobo got the idea and took the bat from Defect's cabin out of Trooper's utility backpack and held in to his side.

''There, now we all have weapons. Come on, you too, we're going to Defect's cabin for today's mission.'' Galf said.

''What? Galf, we can't go back, it's too dangerous!'' Trooper spurts out.

''Yeah! What if he tries to hurt us again?'' Bobo adds.

Galf turned around to face the two, and took a deep breath. ''There's three of us, one of him. So if anything happens, we'll be there to protect eachother. Got it?''

Bobo nodded, looking scared, but Trooper just kept an annoyed face. ''Got it..''


They arrived at Defect's cabin, now 6am by the time they got there. There was no sight of Jard, not yet. So Bobo and Trooper both agreed to explore Defect's cabin while Galf checks out the shed. The same very shed that Jard was locked in by Defect. Galf had a nervous expression on his face as he was about to grab the shed's doorknob, until he suddenly heard rustling from the bushes behind him. He grabbed the handle and turned it, making a small creaking sound, and then it was revealed to him what was behind him when he turned around.

There stood the now terrifying sight and new body of Jard. His shirt was soaked in blood from his bandages wrapped around his stomach, and his arms were now half covered in black goo, with his hands now appearing to be claws. 4 tentacles surrounded the back of his body, and the same black goop that was spread across his arms and tentacles drooped down from his forehead. His eyes were completely blank and black, with goop dripping down. He wasn't moving, just standing there. (Menacingly! Sponge bob ref smh)


Galf was terrified, so shocked he couldn't move. His hand shook as he went to reach for the shed's knob, and opened the door behind him, shutting himself inside the shed.

His hands were shakey, and a storm cloud of fear hovered over him. He could no longer see Jard. There was a door in front of him, he was nowhere in his sight. His nose sniffled from the gross smell of the cabin. He turned around to be even more terrified.

Defect's body, sitting in the shed. His stomach ripped open and leaking blood. He had a very similar wound to that of what Jard had gotten from the Octomao creature. There were flys surrounding his body.

Galf covered his mouth in shock, only to be disgusted when he looked on the floor and lifted his foot above the leaking blood all over the wooden floor. It stuck to his sneakers.

A small tear came out of his eyelid, but he blinked, making the tear fall to the bloody floor when the door was being barged into, supposedly by Jard. He held the door shut with his body weight, attempting to keep the monster out.

''J-Jard! T-This isn't you! Please, stop this!'' Galf's eyes would fill with tears as he now knew that one of the most important people to him, had just turned into an infectious monster that had no control over himself anymore.

The monstrous Jard's claws scrapped through the doors wood, and he smashed the door down, revealing the terrified Galf, now on the floor, right next to his previous victim's body. Galf covered his face with his hands, and then prepared for the worst.

(1000 words! The longest chapter so far! Woohoo!!!)

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