Update on the Sequel + QnA

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Hello everyone! I hope you all have been doing fantastic since we last connected. It's been fun to see people reading even after the conclusion of Delirium, especially those who commented that they were rereading it. There's something so incredible about the idea that my work is impacting people even far into the future. It makes me feel incredibly special <3

This is mainly an update to let you all know that the sequel is officially in production! As of right now, this is where things stand:

- The main plot beats have been cemented; acts are established

- There is a soft chapter prediction of about eighty, minus the prologue and epilogue

- The world building is mostly finished, with minor specifics still being worked on

- Character bios and individual arcs are still under construction

- The chapter summary for the first eight chapters has been written

- The prologue is in its third rewrite

- The title has officially been chosen: it will be called Delusion

A release date is still far into the future, but my tentative, optimistic hope is sometime in 2025. It all depends on how things go in my life, and I also want to make sure that I have most of it written before actually publishing it - somewhere around 50-70% so there's a significant buffer between my writing and an update schedule of once a week.

I'll also attempt to revive my Tumblr and start posting some of the worldbuilding/art I've been making for Delirium - you can find it under the username Mushr00mfriend. I'll also-also be changing the cover of Delirium eventually to my own design.

It's a little nerve wracking, but also exciting!

Anyway, now that I've got all that out of the way, I want to open the floor up to any questions you guys might have for me. This can be about specific parts of Delirium (if there's something you're confused about, for example), its upcoming sequel Delusion, my writing process, really anything! The only caveat is that if you ask something that ends up being a bit of a spoiler for Delusion, I will not reveal anything and instead probably reply with a :3c

Thanks for reading!

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