Bears Beets Battlestar Galactica

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"We know what we saw" Wednesday argued with Weems, Y/n nodded quickly reaffirming what she was saying "Like i didn't get this bump on my own you know" Y/n said pointing to her head saying it more towards the sheriff, Wednesday stared at the bump, it did look painful, the girl needed stitches

"I'd like to speak alone with the sheriff " Wednesday said, Weems took a tight breath "It stays off the record" She said facing the sheriff as she left the room

"Look sheriff, it wasn't a bear or anything, it was...creepy, bald and ugly" Y/n said scrunching her nose

"I've hibernated with grizzlies , i know the difference "

Y/n giggled as she said outloud " bears beets battlestar galactica" 

A knock on the door made them turn


"What?" He snapped

"You're gonna want to see this"

Rowan on the other side, Y/n and Wednesday stared at each other with frown "You died" The pale girl was the first to speak, Y/n glared at him as she made her way towards him
"Fuck you, i don't know how your alive but this!" She pointed at her forehead "And having her pinned against a tree is out of the line" Y/n punched him straight in the Jaw as she stormed off, Rowan groaned in pain watching her storm off, Wednesday a bit shocked she punched the boy, her eyes showing amusement, the girl who she tag as a golden retriever being capable of doing that in front of a cop

"i'll fuck you up next time" Y/n yelled down the hall

"I'd like to see that happen" Wednesday's monotone voice echoed the room

"That kid has a good right hook," Glapin said, shaking his head in approval .

"He's not dead" Lysandra said as she saw the girl pacing, Ganesha did a thinking face not giving an answer "I swear he died" Y/n said to her friends frowning

" We all saw him this morning, like not dead" Enid said staring at the girl who was pacing "I've been losing my mind, which isn't nearly as fun as i anticipated" Wednesday said tapping her chin staring at the floor

"Why don't you ask Xavier?" Enid and Ganesh said at the same time in different rooms

Wednesday and Y/n stopped and stared at them

"Anyway, I hope you solve whatever this is, Poe cup doesn't stop for anything or anyone!" Enid said clapping her hands together

Wednesday frowned "Poe Cup?" she asked. Enid answered, but she didn't pay attention, she knew Rowan had gotten that drawing from a book, she needed to find the book. 

Wednesday grabbed her letter, going to a quiet lonely place to read it, once again it was written on a black piece of paper with white pen

My dearest Black


I wish you the worst too I suppose

I...don't know if you'll answer? But I'm still writing this to you in hopes of having an answer.

I must admit I've been enjoying your letters and that I like your handwriting, it makes me a bit sad if it's true that this is your last letter.

I'll be waiting


Wednesday stared at the letter, she couldn't see it, but thing could who was hiding behind a desk, the sparkles in her eyes. Someone was sad they wouldn't be able to communicate with her, she was making someone sad, someone was suffering, she enjoyed that. 

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