Fire Red

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I growled angerly at the three boys, two of them appeared to be 7 or 8 and identical, the other boy looked to be about our age. They all had fire red curly hair that had more than a few twigs in it. "Back off!" I snarled from my protective spot in front of Dudley. They stumbled back a few steps. 

The twin on the left spoke first, "I'm sorry but-" Before he was interjected by his twin.

"We need help," He glared behind him and into the bushes. The two had an interlocking sort of speech. 

The boy our age spoke up and explained to stop us from looking back and forth from twin to twin based on the light glare he sent at the two, "Were on the run from our family," 

"They've done some horrible things!" Both twins exclaimed. 

Dudley spoke up from his place behind me, while I was mercilessly glaring at the three red heads, "Were on the run and heading to London. I'm Dudley and this is my sister, Hesperia," He gestured to me and I gave the other boys a wide grin of fangs. 

"Were sticking to the forests," I told them from my crouch, "If we need to we'll head into the crowds of London to steal food or anything else we might need." 

"All you have to do is take us to London," The first twin spoke again. 

Instead of the twin talking it was the younger boy who spoke again, "We can take care of ourselves from there," 

"I'm Fred," The seconded twin said. "Since we should introduce ourselves. This," He gestured dramatically to his twin, "Is George." 

The younger boy sighed at the dramatics of his brothers before speaking, "And I'm Ron," 

I picked out the characteristics of the two twins so I could tell them apart. Fred was slightly shorter and George had a faint scar above his left eyebrow. 

"Lets go," Dudley signaled and we were off again down the faint trail in the trees. I lead in my quads, Dudley hung back with Ron and the twins held up the rear. 

Sol rose again and I took George with me to collect fruit and look for something I could take down. Sadly no creatures crossed our path. I guess Dudley would be happy about that development since he was still horrified from my last kill. 

When we came back Dudley called out to me, "What no dead rabbit today, Hes?" He sounded both relieved and taunting. 

"What!" Ron yelped. 

"Dead rabbit?" Fred questioned eagerly. 

And George continued just as eager, "Do tell." 

I smirked at my brother in all but blood, "Oh yes Dudley, tell them all about your girly scream," I rolled my eyes, "It wasn't that much blood." 

Now Ron was just as eager to hear about this story as the twins were. 

"Yes it was! Dudley defended himself, "And I didn't scream like a girl." 

"Sure...." I said, not buying it for a moment. I turned to the red heads, "Who want to hear the tale of the dead rabbit?" 

This time all three talked at the same time, "Yes!" 

"So," I began in my most mysterious tone, a low deathly green glow washed over the space, but I continued. "The day before we found you Dudley was sleeping and I was on watch on a low branch. When suddenly this little brown rabbit came out of a hole at the base of the tree." I paused dramatically. "I pounced on the rabbit from pure instinct and snapped its neck with my jaws." I snapped my fangs in imitation and the boys flinched back, a manic laugh bubbled up my throat and I let it out. I kept telling the story. "And that is what Dudley woke up to: me with blood down my chin and neck, dead rabbit in my jaws and on all fours like I have been. This is where he let out his girly scream." 

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