Lovely Blood

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Sol set once again as Luna began to shine brightly, only in shadow does he shine. 

Our band of misfits had calmed down from our murder plots, sadly and we set out again. I lead the group while the boys were discussing magical creatures softly. Dudley had always loved learning about folklore and legends. 

I was listening to the four absentmindedly, only paying attention to the more dark and blood folklore I knew a bit about. Dudley always said that I reminded him of a Wendigo. They were quite quiet, quiet enough that a doe gracefully sauntered onto our path a few paces ahead. 

My instincts snapped into place as the others froze. I dropped lower into my crouch and silently made my way closer to the animal. When I was less than a metre from the equine, I launched into the air. 

The doe couldn't escape in time and instantly attempted to flee, before it get to far I sunk my fangs into the creatures neck. I bite the graceful creatures neck as hard as I could and her neck made a dull snap. Effectively killing her and sending us tumbling to the ground. 

Ron was the first of the boys that reached me after chasing us down. I once again was crouched over the deer, covered in bloody victory. 

"That was bloody amazing!" They all managed to say at the same time, I felt my bloody smile grow. 

We were forced to set up camp nearby since we can't take the doe far. Skinning the deer was far harder than skinning the rabbit, it took my fangs, a few sharp rocks and an enchanted knife the twins stole from their older brother Charlie. After we cooked the deer we managed to save some food we could take. 

Our nocturnal cycle repeated for three more days before we reached the edge of London. Ron had quite strong magic and use what he could manipulate to fix our clothes after we washed them in a small stream. 

We carefully entered the suburbs of the city around midnight and attempted to find the Leaky Cauldron, which according to the red heads was the entrance to the wizarding world. But I was stopped by a magic force before we got very far. 

"Do you feel that?" I whispered to the boys, and gesturing to a yawning and dark alley. 

"It's like-"  George began.

"A strong-" Fred went on.

And together, "Magic pull." 

Dudley put in his input, "It looks like a place we would get kidnapped or killed," I rolled my eyes, not with these fangs. 

"Then I think we should definitely go down that alley, magic is odd," Ron agreed with me. 

I stalked off down the hall with the boys following close behind. The darkness was like a thick living force, pressing down on us, telling us to leave. Suddenly the darkness was lightened by a low light and a wave of comforting magic washed over us. We stood open mouthed and awed at the sight before us. 

A whole mini world lay before us, hidden from the mundane and ordinary world we left behind. Magical creatures and creature like humans roamed from shop to shop, into the openings to a second watery world below and up to shops and platform floating above. Each shop was selling more and more crazy and exciting things. Plants lined the pathways and light came from blooming flowers or glowing crystals. 

Just then a deer satyr in formal looking clothing and a dark green cape came up to us. He wore a black suit and brown under shirt, black pants and no shoes, revealing his hooves. He had huge antlers that resembled an elk. He had amber eyes, brown hair with white flecks, tan skin and fluffy deer ears. He wore a name tag that read, Suna. He looked to be maybe 25. 

"Hi there kids, do you need help?" He spoke softly and his eyes gave off nothing but sincerity. 

I glanced at the boys before standing and addressing Suna, "Yes we do actually, can you take us to a place to have blocks removed," I hesitated only slightly about what we needed and waited for his reaction. 

Suna's eyes widened in realisation, "How many of you?" Was all he asked. 

I  glanced at the boys and Ron spoke up, "Possibly all of us." 

Suna looked about ready to pass out before a look of determination settled on his face. He pulled out a small black circle and began speaking rapidly into it. He turned back to our band of misfits, "We need to hurry then, follow me." He started off down the alley at a brisk pace, with little hesitation we followed after him. 

People or rather creatures cleared a path for us, they held an air of respect to the deer satyr. 

Suna stopped us in front of a grand looking building. It looked to be made of obsidian with shimmering bits of color throughout the walls, marbled grey pillars held up the entrance. Posted on either side of tall, grand, dark oak doors were two humanoid dragons. The one on the left was pastel purple and pale blue with golden eyes. The one on the right was dark moss green and deep brown with red eyes. Both of them had silver armor and spears. 

The two moved and opened the doors, beyond there were more dragons standing behind desks. Most had glasses and they wore golden robes. 

Suna went up to the dragon at the back of the room, this one was taller than most of the others and dwarfed Suna in height and he was tall with his hooves. This dragon was female and had dark, bloody red scales with black accents, her molten silver eyes settled on us. Her robes were a mix of golden and silver. 

"These are the ones in need of block removal?" She questioned, her voice was deep and growly. 

Suna nodded, "I trust they will be under great care here," He said to her before turning to us and crouching to our level. "Don't worry, Vida will take great care of you and anyone else here. They are trusted with lives and the vaults of creatures, so see you guys around." With that Suna departed from the building and went back to doing who knows what. 

We turned to Vida, "Please follow me young ones, we can get this sorted out and get those nasty things off of you." She strode down a hallway at a slow pace for us. I went back to my crawl and followed the tall being, Dudley beside me and the boys behind. 

Vida lead us into a large room with a desk and chairs on one side and a living room set up on the others side. The desk was bone white, but looked like wood, it had many papers and gemstones on it. The living room area had a large fireplace, couches, coffee table and a wall of bookcases. 

"Please sit down," She gestured to the couches while she grabbed some papers. 

I sat on the couch closed to a large chair, Ron and Dudley on my right and the twins opposite us, Vida found the papers she was looking for and set five, two sets of papers on the table. Before speaking. 

"The first papers are to identify you as you really are and the second papers are to tell us if you have any creature inheritances and blocks you have." She explained what the papers for us. "For each of these to activate they need three drops of blood each, the knife I will give each of you will heal you and there will be no pain for any of you." She pulled out five decorated knives, each decorated with a different plant. 

I glanced at the boys who mostly shared looks of hesitation, except Ron, he looked eager. "I'll go first," I vollenteried and Vida nodded. I took a knife with belladonnas carved into it. I brought the knife to my finger and ran it along the skin, no pain came from it so I dropped three drops on the two papers in front of me. 

Words began forming into elegant scrawls on the paper, each letter the same shade as the blood I had just dropped. I watched in fascination as the words spelt out parts of me, parts of my life and the worth of my very life and blood. 

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