Headcannons (Male Brawlers)

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This is what I would think it's like to be best friends with the brawlers. I'll do relationships a some later point.

I didnt need the game open to remember them all. Totally..

Colt is definitely the kind of friend who needs attention and complements. If you guys are out doing anything and he sees a girl he will tell you hes gonna get their number. And he would come up with some kind of excuse of why he didn't get it. Colt is also very protective, if bull of any of the other brawlers try to hurt you colt would stand up for you.

Bull is the friend who hits you for no reason and makes your arm hurt for a week. Hes most likely stronger than you and usually let's you hang out with him, Bibi and Crow. If he has time from being at his job of course.

Brock will beg you to go the arcade with him or hop on a game nonstop. When you finally do he will just call you bad the whole time even if your better than him. He also says he will get on in 5 minutes and will take 3 hours.

El Primo-
Primo tried to teach you fighting moves, but he explained it so bad that you actually fought worse than before. He also practices new moves on you but hes gentle and doesn't want to hurt you.

Barley loves making drinks for you. Even if half the time he spills them trying to show off. He also always gets the same drink at every restaurant.

Poco is very caring. He will play music to cheer you up or just talk to you to make you feel better. He also wants to teach you how to play guitar.

Dynamike is a little crazy and needs your protection. He will light a stick of dynamite and watch the fuse burn out in front of his face. Also he gets distracted very easily.

Tick makes you hang out with Penny and Darryl on Penny's ship all the time. He spends most of his time below deck and loves playing board games with you. Although its hard to understand him and for him to move the pieces on his own.

8-Bit has a game that you can play inside of him. He let's you play him whenever you want but no one else is allowed to other than Brock.

Rico is surprisingly Intelligent for his *orgins*. Rico will not stop talking about how much he likes Piper. He is literally Yappatron when it comes to Piper.

Darryl loves to mess with Penny and Tick but never takes it too far. Darryl is always cheery and always lightens the mood. He also let's you help him have some light-hearted fun with Penny and Tick.

Carl is smarter than you and doesn't let you forget it. Hes the kind of guy to  say stuff just to sound smart even if its wrong.

Since Gus is a ghost, you don't get to see much of him and he never ages. Although hes still just an innocent kid and cares about most people.

Bo is definitely the guy who you try to mess with but he doesn't get a single one of your jokes. To him no humor makes sense.

Stu will always do dumb reckless stuff with Bonnie so you always worry about him. He also gives you free tickets to his show every time.

Frank is much stronger than you. He will pick you up and carry you on his shoulders to protect you. Be brings you flowers to show his kindness for you.

Edgar will complain about everything  and always play the victim. He also doesnt smile unless it's around you.

Griff is that one friend who never pays you back for anything. He will do anything to get money. Hes the kind of guy to say "20 bucks is 20 bucks" and do the most outrageous stuff.

Grom is always at work. Hes the guy with the money, he pays for everything you do together. anytime you pass a playground or a child, he screams like a baby but wont even flinch at a horror movie.

Gale is the most corny friend ever, hes the type of person so say "this isnt you" when a gun is pointed to his head. He also will yap about stories  that didnt even happen.

Ash is self conscious, any insult he hears he takes to heart. He only opens up around you, your the only person who actually has seen his face.

Sam will get you into so many dangerous situations, robbing a bank with Belle, fighting cops, etc. When belle isnt with you, it's the only thing he can talk about.

Hank will cry if you eat any seafood, it's to the same level of killing people in front of him. Hes also very tough on the outside, but will loosen up when hes comfortable.

Larry goes nowhere without Lawrie, although Lawrie doesnt care if he is with Larry. Larry will look up the rules of every card/board game and play strictly by the rule book. He also is terrified to break any rules.

Lawrie will do the dumbest stuff you can think of, he will jump off of high places and dive headfirst. He also likes fighting people and is considerably good at it too. He will break rules on purpose to make Larry upset.

Angelo will read you his poetry when he makes it. He also loves waiting in the love tunnel and shooting people with his cupid arrows. Also he is definitely gay i dont care, judge me.

Mortis loves making you angry, but he is pranks will go too far sometimes. He will almost kill you with how far he goes. He also let's you scare people with him even if he doesnt enjoy it that much. He is also very egotistical.

Although most people cant understand him, you used one wish to understand him. Gene will give out wishes to people but he allows you to make sure the wish is valid before he grants them.

Mr.P is always angry at everything, accept you of course. He almost never leaves the snowtel and loves yelling at Lou and Gale.

Sprout is so gullible, you could put a piece of paper in front of him and say it's a sandwich and he will eat it. He also doesnt understand and social norms.

Bryon gives you free poisons and lets you use them on people. He has way too much knowledge on snakes and other reptiles. He is also very funny and chill to be around.

Squeak will speak gibberish just to confuse you, although you usually have to translate what he is saying to others. Hes very rowdy and does dumb stuff all the time. He somehow gets into impossible situations.

Lou is so corny. He makes dumb jokes that dont make sense without a 5 minute explanation. He also is very obedient. ( most likely from fear because of Mr.P)

Ruffs hates it when you call him ruffs, he corrects you and says colonel. He is scared to let you drive his ship so he puts you with squeak to entertain you.


It sleep time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16 ⏰

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