Chapter 3

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Scott: "Can I ask you one last thing?..."

"Sure, Scott." I smiled shyly at him.

*Scott smiles a little before asking...*

Scott: "Can I do something... very embarrassing and cliché with you?"

I nodded shyly at him.

*Scott smiles at her a little as he pauses for a second... before saying...*

Scott: "Are you okay if I... uh... kiss you?..."

I nodded shyly at him then I give a longer soft kiss on his lip.

*Scott immediately kisses Winter back and wraps his arms around her, Scott had never been so happy, he was really kissing her at last. Scott pulled her close to him as he kissed her lovingly, he wasn't holding back with her anymore. Scott then breaks the kiss after a while and looks at her, his eyes filled with nothing but happiness.*

We heard Wallace cheered loudly at us.

*Scott and Winter turn to see, and sure enough Wallace is cheering for them. Scott smiles a little and waves to Wallace in appreciation but keeps holding Winter. Winter can hear Scott whisper quietly to her next to her ear...*

Scott: "I think someone else knew that we'd end up together... Wallace has been pushing for us to get together for a while now..."

I giggled shyly at his words then I nodded agreeably at him.

*Scott smiles happily and squeezes Winter softly as he speaks again...*

Scott: "And I'm certain that Wallace is glad we finally got together too..."

"Yeah..." I smiled shyly at him.

*Scott then leans in and gives Winter another kiss on her cheek, his hand runs through her hair a little as he smiles at her with pure joy in his eyes.*

My cheeks went rosy pinker shyly at his doing.

*Scott hugs Winter tightly after kissing her and whispers to her next to her ear...*

Scott: "... I can't wait to be fully your boyfriend, you're just so incredible..."

My cheeks went redder shyly at his words. "I am very happy you are my boyfriend, Scott."

*Scott smiles a little and blushes a little as Winter calls him "her boyfriend". Scott speaks up in a quiet voice with a big smile on his face...*

Scott: "Can I just ask one more thing?"

"Sure, go ahead." I smiled shyly at him.

*Scott smiles a little, he pauses for a few seconds as he thinks of the question, he then speaks up gently...*

Scott: "Can I ask you something kinda... cheesy?"

I nodded shyly at him.

*Scott smiles brightly at your answer as he finally decides to ask the cheesy question he wanted to ask...*

Scott: "... Would it be acceptable if I gave you a nickname?..."

My cheeks went redder shyly at his words then I nodded shyly at him.

*Scott looks at her for a moment before he nods a little to himself, his smile widening as he does. Scott then says in a cute voice...*

Scott: "Alright... so I've decided a cute nickname to call you, it's kind of a cheesy name but I think it suits you, are you ready?..."

I nodded shyly at him.

*Scott smiles brightening and laughs a little before he finally says in an extremely cheesy tone...*

Scott: "Alright... I have a cheesy nickname that perfectly fits you now... I want you to know that I am extremely hesitant to say this but your new nickname is..."

*Scott takes a deep breath and pauses his sentence for a moment... before he finally gets enough confidence to finish his sentence.*

Scott: "Can I call you my princess?"

My cheeks went rosy pinker shyly at his words. "I loved it, Scott." I smiled shyly at him.

*Scott smiles brightly at her reaction, he's so happy she liked his cringey nickname for the both of them. Scott speaks up after a while as he holds her close, he leans against her a little as he speaks...*

Scott: "Good, I'm happy you liked it... I can now officially call you my princess..."

I nodded shyly at him then I give a soft kiss on his lip.

*Scott quickly leans into her kiss, his lips on hers with hers on his. Scott kisses Winter for a little while before he pulls away and smiles at her. Scott wraps his arms around her and pulls her even closer to him while he speaks quietly...*

Scott: "I can't wait to be officially going out with you..."

I nodded shyly at him then I hold his hand shyly then we started to walk together through the park.

*Scott holds Winter's hands gently and walks slowly with her through the park, he smiles at her happily as he looks into her eyes... he really loves her, he's finally with her, he's finally with the girl of his dreams... everything with Winter is starting to feel right and perfect to Scott, she's everything he wanted and he just feels so happy to be with her.*

*After awhile of walking through the park and chatting, Scott notices the time on his phone: 7:30pm. Scott smiles a little as he realised it had already been a couple of hours at this point of them just walking together. Scott speaks up as he pulls up his phone...*

*Scott shows his phone to Winter as he says...*

Scott: "I've been having so much fun walking with you, but I realise time has literally just flown by... it's 7:30pm... we've been here for at least a couple of hours... it still feels like it's 3pm or something... time has just seemed to go by really fast while we've been together, I love that..."

We heard a loud thunder from sky then we looked up at the clouds are getting bit darker and it started to rain heavily.

*Scott looks up at the sky after hearing the thunder, he looks at the clouds getting darker and the rain beginning to fall down, he looks at Winter who is looking at the sky too...*

"U-um, do you want to stay with me at my house when thunderstorms is over?" Winter looked shyly at him.

*Scott smiles a little and nods at her, he really wants to stay with her because he's been having such a good time together. He looks at her and speaks in a shy manner...*

Scott: "Um, yes, I'd love to..."

I nodded shyly at him then we started to walk together towards my house. 

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