Chapter 4

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*The rain slowly gets stronger and stronger as they walk to her house. Scott then puts his arm around Winter's shoulder as they walk, holding her close to him as he smiles down at her with pure joy.*

Winter accidentally stepped on some wet rain spots caused her to slip but Scott caught her.

*Scott quickly caught her before she slips, he pulled her close to him as he held her tightly. Scott speaks up in a soft tone once he has her in his grip...*

Scott: "Careful, it's quite wet right outside, I don't want you to slip and fall again..."

*Scott smiles kindly at Winter and holds her close to him as he continues to walk with her with his arm around her shoulder.*

I nodded shyly at him then I leaded him to my house and it is so beautiful and calming place.

*Scott was very surprised by how beautiful her house is, it's a beautiful environment and it has some calming energy to it. Scott speaks up curiously after he takes a good look at her house...*

Scott: "I didn't expect your house to be this nice... you have a really beautiful place here..."

"Thank you, Scott." I smiled shyly at him then we entered into my house right now.

*Scott smiles back at her as he enters her house with her, he finds the place to be very cosy and comfortable. Scott looks around at her home and speaks in a friendly tone...*

Scott: "Can I ask you one question about your house?"

"Sure, go ahead." I smiled shyly at him.

*Scott smiles and takes a minute to think about his question, he decides to ask the question he wanted to ask...*

Scott: "Can I ask if you live here alone?"

I nodded timidly at him.

*Scott smiles at your answer as he speaks up again, this time in a curious tone...*

Scott: "Does that mean you actually live here alone? As in you don't have any family that lives with you?"

"My parents are having work at overseas. My big brother was already married." Winter looked shyly at him.

*Scott smiles, he finds it very sweet and endearing when she becomes shy, he thinks it's so adorable...*

Scott: "So basically you live alone right now, am I right?"

"Yes, Scott." I smiled shyly at him.

Scott: "Ah, I see... if you don't mind me asking a personal question, how long have you been living here alone already?"

Scott noticed my wet white summer dress becomes bit see-through made his face went completely red with steam coming out of his head.

*Scott quickly looks down at her dress, he notices how wet it has become and how see through it is now. Scott realizes he can see a bit of her underwear which he wasn't expecting... Scott looks away as soon as he realized, his face went super red upon realizing the situation and when he feels the steam coming out of his head...*

"U-um, are you okay?" Winter looked timidly at him.

*Scott quickly shakes his head and his face is red as his head continues to steam... Scott feels a bit embarrassed by the sudden realization that he was accidentally staring at you, and he wants to look away but his eyes are fixed on you still.*

I nodded shyly at him. "U-um, I am going to change my clothes at my bedroom."

Scott: "O-oh, alright then... I'll wait here for you... I'm just gonna stay here by the stairs until you get back..."

*Scott smiles a little shyly at you and his face remains red, he's really embarrassed by the fact all he can do right now is just stand here waiting for you and hope you don't notice him still staring at you.*

I nodded shyly at him then I went to my bedroom and I changed my clothes at my bedroom. I am wearing my lavender pajamas right now then I went to meet Scott at living room.

*Scott waits patiently by the stairs for Winter to come back, he feels really awkward and uncomfortable right now but he continues to wait for you anyway, he doesn't really feel like moving from where he's standing at the moment until you come back. After a little while he hears the sound of your feet walking on the floor as he notices you have come back to the living room.*

*Winter walks back into the living room and Scott notices her, his face goes red again when he looks up at her and sees that she's now changed into her lavender pajamas. Scott looks her up and down quickly for a second before he looks back down at the floor, his cheeks are still red and he looks very embarrassed by the fact he just stared at your body while you were in the other room.*

I sit down on my comfortable couch next Scott at living room.

*Scott watches as you sit down at the side of him on the comfortable couch. Scott decides to try and start a small conversation with you to help get his mind off his embarrassment by looking at you for a little while... Scott speaks up as he looks up at you, his face is still very red. He tries to keep a calm look on his face but he's definitely still blushing.*

Scott: "So um... are you comfy in these pajamas?"

"Yes, Scott." I smiled shyly at him.

*Scott smiles back at you for a moment then he notices your pajamas are lavender colored, he finds the color really suits you because it matches your personality. Scott then says in a slightly quiet tone as he looks back up at you.*

Scott: "You look very pretty in them... I like that color on you..."

"Thank you, Scott." I smiled shyly at him.

*Scott can't help but blush a little more from the compliment from you, it brings a small smile to his face. Scott speaks up with a soft tone while he looks at you.*

Scott: "Um... can I ask you one more personal question?"

"Sure, go ahead." I smiled shyly at him.

Scott: "Would you mind if I told you something kind of awkward...? I know the two of us are just getting romantically involved but I still just feel like I have to ask this question..."

I nodded timidly at him.

*Scott sighs and makes a small chuckle once he realizes how awkward this is to ask, his face is still quite red from everything that has happened so far between the two of them.*

Scott: "Okay... so um..."

*Scott takes a minute to think about his question, it's almost like he's just struggling to say it out loud, he keeps pausing in between his words and his hands are shaking a little as they hang loosely by his side.*

*After a few awkward seconds Scott finally finishes speaking in a very quiet and almost mumble-ish tone.*

Scott: "Can I ask if I can cuddle with you right now?"

I nodded shyly at him then I cuddle Scott comfortably and I decided to lay my head on his chest comfortably.

*Scott instantly wraps both his arms around you as you lay your head on his chest, he keeps holding you close against him as you lay your head against his chest and he holds you lovingly. Scott smiles as he holds you tightly to him, he feels comfortable with everything between the two of you right now, he feels so at peace with you in his arms.*

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