Chapter 4 - Really?

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It's been a week ever since the girl and the other girls in my school talked shit behind my back and gave me a warning about Roger, okay what is really going on, I never felt so confused in my life. I feel like everyone is hating me and I didn't even do anything wrong to them

I don't have any time to point fingers at, I still have exams and quizzes needed to focus my attention not in another things that might break me. After answering all the questions correctly on my test paper, I am confident that I'm gonna ace this

This is going to be a normal day for me, and so far no Roger or anything weird, I've been thinking about going back to my old passion and trying to revive it to be honest these days I'm only staring at the blank canvass, what the hell is going on with me for these past few months. After I sold my paintings that's the start of my demise, it's like I disappeared from everyone and never be seen again

I heaved another sigh for that thought and made my way to the cafeteria just to get a lunch and get myself focus, after buying my school lunch, I whipped out my notebook and a pencil then start to draw little doodles and sketches, trying to start the fire within me. Whatever I do, I kept on ending a random line, writing my own name, writing my signatures, little scribbles, as I slam my head on the table, I've come to the conclusion that I can't and there is no any solution for that

"Don't be harsh to yourself," I heard a voice but I didn't even bothering taking a look

"Go away, I don't need you, I'll come to the studio later just don't bother me or else this pencil I'm holding will go straight into your eye," I'm second guessing that it is Roger bothering me, he should be thankful that he is very charming, and I'm not in the mood for him to bother me, I might commit violence

"What are you talking about?" the speaker seems confused on what am I seeing

I raise my head and saw a familiar face, it is the girl who gave me a warning

"It's you again, what are you do you want from me?" I asked the girl as I put my notebook and my pencil inside my bag and start to munch my food

"Oh, I forgot, my name's Marina, and I already know you, you're Sofia," she introduced herself to me, okay, I'm a bit intimidated by her and I don't like it

"How do you know my name?" I asked her out of my curiosity, how is everyone knew my name?

"Girl, you didn't know?" she asked me and I just shake my head to her, she heaved a sigh and sat properly like she was about to tell me something

"As I said last week, you were the talk of the town because of Roger. All of the senior girls' eyes were on you, it's like you're stealing their man," she said to me with a grin on her face

"I don't steal anyone, and besides, Roger's the one who's been approaching me, he's like a puppy he keeps on following me," I can't hide it anymore the frustration within me, I hate it when he does that but I hate it when I'm missing him

"Why is there a hint of sadness?" I immediately look at her, is she an empath? I didn't say anything or do anything let her know that I'm starting to get sad

I haven't saw him the whole afternoon, he's not even in of our classes, I'm guessing again that he might be at the studio doing something

"There isn't, in fact I'm curious as to why he's always following me, I mean yeah, with his company I never felt so alone and he made my day easier," I said as I recall all the times that he's there for me whenever I need someone by coming over to my apartment and I did the same thing too except for the part of coming over to his house

"Looks like someone's in love," I heard she teased me so I gave her my deadpan look

"Look, Marina we just met and you didn't know how annoying Roger is," I said on my plain voice but all she did is to chuckle "I'm not even kidding!" I whined like a little kid

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