Babysitting and Explosions

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Harry woke up to Hedwig's badgering of "Get up, GET UP!"

"'Jeez Hedwig! What did I do?"

"Harry, what time is it?"

"'10:34…I SLEPT IN!"

"Harry, calm down, I gave you the extra two hours. Although, you turned it into three and a half."

"Sorry Hedwig."

"'Apology accepted. Now, When does the plane leave?"

"'At around 3 and everyone says to arrive an hour early to board and an extra two hours to get through security and customs."

"So you should be leaving in an hour and a half."

"Right, I'm gonna get ready." Harry pushed back the covers and pulled out his backpack and stuffed his pajamas in there while running to the bathroom where he was going to have a quick shower. Going to, was the key words. He let the water run over himself until his hands started shriveling a bit. He stepped out and quickly brushed his teeth and dried his hair with a towel. Not bothering to brush it, Harry put everything back in his bag and got dressed with the clothes he picked out last night.

Grabbing his passport ad ticket, he looked at the clock that read 12:00. Grinning, he zipped his bag up and started heading out of the room to check out when he remembered Gibbs' rule #40 'If someone's out to get you, they are'.

"Hedwig, can you see if there's anyone outside waiting for me?"

"Alright Harry. There's no one out here. Must've thought you were already gone."

"Perfect. Thanks Hedwig. Go to America and wait til I get there. I should be there in a few hours." Hedwig bobbed her head and disappeared in a ball of flame. Harry went downstairs to check out and went outside to catch a taxi.

"Gatwick airport please." The driver nodded and Harry leaned back in his seat while watching the traffic go past him. He watched some buildings while the driver went into the Gatwick's parking lot.

"Here you are kid. That'll be 20 pounds." Harry shrugged and paid the taxi driver while staring at the huge building in front of him. It almost looks as big as Hogwarts if you take off the towers. He slung his bag over his shoulder and walked inside. It was almost chaos in his opinion. People were running around, screaming and yelling at the ticket people, Harry couldn't wrap his head around it. Walking up to the nearest person, Harry asked where he could get his ticket scanned in. The person pointed to the left.

"It's about halfway down the hall lad."

"Thanks." Harry did a small jog and looked at the clock. It was now 1:30. He really hoped that security won't take long. Noticing the signs, Harry stood in line to get his ticket confirmed.

"Hello. Can I see your ticket please?"

"Here," Harry handed it over. He scanned it and showed Harry where his seat was. 'Cool, I get a window seat.' Harry thought. Since he was in first class, he would automatically get on first. Harry thanked him and walked down the hall ways while following the signs. 'Washington, Washington…here we go. Section 5. Alright, a bit of a walk.'

Harry would occasionally look up to see if he was following the signs right. He passed different customs for other flights to Canada, Australia, Italy, Morocco and South America. Finding the door he wanted, Harry pushed it open while trying not to get trampled by everyone else pushing their way through. 'Jeez, are we in a rush or something?' Harry thought with irritation. Looking at the line, Harry guessed he'd be here a while. He brought out his notebook, flipped it to the back and started doodling from boredom.

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