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~ june 1995 ~

Taylor Mercer was never her parent's favorite. Neither was her brother, Alex. The two of them were both set on the fact that their parents hated them from the start.

Now here they were, in their final year of highschool. Ready to leave as soon as they graduated with their band, Sunset Curve. The band consisted of 4 boys, and Taylor. Bobby Shaw, their rhythm guitarist, Reggie Peters, their bass guitarist, Alex, who was the drummer, Taylor on acoustic guitar, piano, and vocals, with Luke Patterson as their main guitarist and lead singer.

Heading into school on the day of their graduation, Taylor met up with Luke in the hallway to walk to their first class together. It was rare that Luke was even at school, but today was different. Taylor needed him.

"I just don't get it. It's not Alex's fault that he's gay, and honestly it shouldn't fucking matter to them. It's not their life, it's his, and he should be able to do what he wants with it." Taylor says, debriefing to Luke about the conversation she overheard between Alex and their parents.

"How's he taking it?" Luke asks.

"I don't know. I haven't seen him since this morning when we pulled into the parking lot and he rushed out of the car without saying a word to me."

"Jesus, and I thought my life was bad?!"

"Why?" Taylor says, turning her head to look at Luke as they continued walking. "Did something happen last night after our practice?"

"Yeah. When I got home, my mom told me I shouldn't continue doing this. That it wasn't going to get me anywhere." he says. "I told her that it was something that I'm super passionate about Curve and I think we'll make it."

"I think we will too."


As Taylor walks out of the school, finally feeling the freedom of summer, she sees her brother, Alex, from a distance as he's walking towards her.

"Hey, I haven't seen or talked to you all day. Are you alright?" she asks.

"Yeah—yeah everything is fine. Luke is giving me a ride to the studio today." Alex says.

"Okay. I'm gonna go home really quick and then I'll see you there."

"Yeah." Alex says, walking away from his sister.

Taylor finds her car and drives back home. As soon as she pulls up to the driveway she realizes that both of her parents are surprisingly, home.

"Mom!" she yells as she walks in her front door, "I'm going to change, then heading over to Bobby's."

"Come here first please!" her mother yells from the kitchen.

"Where's your brother?" her father asks.

"He got a ride from Luke. He's probably already at the studio."

"Okay. Your mother and I need to talk to you."


"Honey," her mother says, "Alex is gay."

"Okay?" Taylor says. "How does that affect me?"

"You're saying that you don't care that your brother is sinning?"

"No, and I heard your conversation with him last night. It's his life. Not yours, and to say that shit about him, your own son, behind his back, is probably one of the worst things you could do." she says, then turns away to walk up to her room.

"Language!" her father says.

"Taylor! Where are you going?"

"Changing, then going to Bobby's. You can't stop me." she says as she slams the door to her room.

Of course, no "how was your graduation?" "sorry, we could make it." just everything turns into an argument.


Word Count: 632

A/N: Short first chapter. I was really eager to get this started after completing my outline. I will say the Mercer parents are only in the first 2 chapters and then you will never have to see these horrible people again.

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