jetsetting off to London

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"hey jess ... so uh would you like to go winter formal with me?" kyle asked . Basically I've been in love with kyle ever since his sister stuck bubblegum in my hair at dancing and he had to come over to my house with her to make sure that she apologised to me .
" kyle you have no idea how long i've been waiting for you to ask me ... i hope that didnt sound too creepy*nervous laughter*" he looked a bit confused but his next action made me feel confused because he was leaning forward with his eyes closed and i wasnt really sure if was meant to do the same , you know lean into this kiss . He stopped and looked at me a bit confused . Oh those beautiful brown eyes "why arent you , you doing anything ?" he scratched his head while asking ."shit ! Sorry uh lets just resume that ... " we both leaned in and i was about to kiss his soft looking pink lips when My mom and the sun so rudely interrupted my dream .

"JEEESSSSSSS !!!!!you need to get up , do you you want to miss your flight to your father , he hasn't stopped calling. He's making sure that you get on the plane to London !!!" my mom yelled from downstairs .. she really needs to learn to make use of the stairs , i think the neighbours think that our family is totally crazy "dammit" i say sort of to myself while fumbling around to get my clothes on . Geez it really is hot today here in cape town , but i guess i have to wear longer clothes , im not really to sure what the weather in london will be like when i get there , but i assume it will be a tad bit colder than what im use to . It always seems so cold in london , well thats what i gathered from movies and books and generally their choice of clothing .

"I'll be down in second ! " i yell back , maybe i should learn to use the stairs and with that i tie my hair up while inwardly laughing at how ridiculous i look right now and also at the fact that i always lecture my mom about using the stairs .

My mom looks at me with her eyes filled with tears "oh my baby is leaving to london without me " she says as she hugs me . i pull back slightly and say" well you weren't really planning on coming , i mean you guys are separated and if i remember correctly , you were the one who said you'd never go to london because dad's there ?" "you're right , i was just being silly . Come on or we're going to be late!! " my mom says while walking to the door.

The drive to the airport seems unending , i glance at mother every five seconds . I think she noticed that i noticed her crying because a simple sorry is all that she seems to keep saying while keeping her eyes on the road . we speak about random things and share many jokes , both of us trying to push out the sad and awkward atmosphere that surrounds our car.

"well, this is it then " i say sadly as i lean in to hug my mother . "Yeah this is it ... i love you my girl , dont you ever forget that " she struggles to say as i feel her start to shake . "Mom, come on dont cry . Im not leaving for forever you know , i'll make sure to call you whenever i can and i'll write letters and i'll skype you and whatever . It will be as if im with you everyday haha and i love you " i say in a assertive mother tone , it does seem to lighten the mood as she laughs and wipes her tears away!

I repeatedly turn back and look at my mother as i walk towards the gates before i get onto the plane . I wave my last goodbye and i yell "i love you mom!" she waves crazily and blows me a kiss . The security guard on the other hand looks at me funny but laughs to herself , almost as if she's sharing a joke with herself ... wierd .

I finally landed and wow geez , its a lot better than the pictures on the postcards my dad sends me well of course !
And bloody hell its freezing ! at least its not raining i remind myself and i feel completely lost to be honest . After a while of just looking around i finally see my dad looking ever so professional as always ! his dark brown hair combed back neatly and he wears a suit ! i dont know what comes over me but i just drop my bags and i literally sprint and jump onto him ! At first i think he was a bit stunned but he hugged me afterwards.

"You're prettier than your mom described" i dont know if should feel hurt by the comment but i brush it off with a laugh and say " well , you know dad ... i've been introduced to a hair straightener and make up" we both laugh as we walk up to get my bags that i deserted a few minutes ago!

I was caught off guard when he hugged me unexpectadly "hi jess, i've missed you so much " he says with a smile and i just return the smile as we walk to his car.

The drive is long and it begins to rain . Great . My dads drives up the driveway and quickly opens both our doors and yells "sprint with those bags !!!!" it was actually pretty fun just sprinting up down with my heavy bags and i couldn't help but laugh out loudly!

After all my bags are in the house , i finally have the time to actually admire its beauty , "its a lot warmer than i thought " i thought it but i mustv'e said it out loud because my dad says "i like to keep a fire going to keep the cold out " he pats my shoulder and shows me my room . its bigger than i expected , its actually decorated quite nice .. its decorated with all things blue And white , kind of reminds me of the ocean .

"You'll finally get to meet katie tonight , she's at her mum's ... visiting for the day . " i actually liked katie , well when my dad skypes me i always end up talking to katie a lot more..we've formed some kind of bond ! And im quite excited to actually meet her ! " yay!! "

"Please remeber that she is pregnant so you cant go jumping on her , by the way im taking you up to your school tomorrow , you need to get settled in before you actually start your classes " my dad looks at me carefully as i sit on the counter eating a bowl of ice-cream in my pajamas ! i wasnt all too excited knowing that im going to an all girls school.its a boarding school might i just add , so i'll only be coming home on long weekends and holidays.

"I'm hooooome!" katie sings as she entered the front door ! my dad gives a thumbs up ! "Jessica ! What a pleasure to finally meet you " she greets me with a smile that never fades while hugging me awkwardly , " i think we should hug more when this one is out" she points to her stomach "then our hugs wont be awkward" she laughs making me laugh as she goes over to peck my father on the cheek.

"Im going to bed " i sort of announce , "its going to be a long day tomorrow "
i wave and walk off to my room .

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