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Author's pov:

Wedding house... People are gathered. Full of enjoyment. But there's a group of cousins are standing out of the gate and waiting for someone.. Three girls and three boys. They seems like closely same age..
Smriti: it's 10 AM.
Rubi: She's late..
Naina: You boys are useless...

*Girls complimented on those boys being restless. As soon as they heard them to reply*

Raghav: heyy what did we do?
Rubi: it's your responsibility to pick your Younger sister. You boys are really irresponsible.
Rohit: don't talk rubbish okay. We asked her.. but she denied us to pick her up from the station.

*They are talking about another member of their cousins group who is being late to come. And girls are scolding boys for not to pick her up from the station*

Smriti: stop it guys. Maybe she's on the way. Anshu why are you standing here? What will people say,, if groom stands on the road?

*The groom is Anshu. This is Anshu's wedding.. in which occasion they are gathered for. Well Anshu is also waiting for her standing on the road.*

Anshu: it's so boring,, sitting on a chair whole day.
Naina: let her come once. She will make fire on the boring wedding.

*As soon as a taxi stopped Infront of them. A girl came out with her luggage.*
Naina: Y/n.........
Y/n: Hiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeee

*She went to hug her. They all became too excited after seeing y/n. They all came and hugged her one by one. They are meeting after years in the occasion of Anshu's wedding.*

Rohit: why are you so late?
Y/n: don't ask about it. The taxi drivers are so demanding..
*She sighed to answer it. Suddenly her eyes fell on Anshu. And she didn't let the chance to go to make his fun*
Y/n: Heyyy... Anshu Bhaiya... Congratulations for destruction of life..
Anshu: just you left for making fun of me..
*They all started laughing hearing them*
Raghav: now c'mon go get fresh. You have to burn the stage.
Y/n: yeah of course. That's why I came for...

*this is haldi function. They made a lot of fun. And it went properly.*
*It's night time. Already being 12:30 AM.* Them are having late night chatting. They shared a lot of talks between each other about their life. When cousins are together... It's normal to discuss horrible things..*

Raghav: let's go for a night walk guys.. what you say?
Naina: now? at this time?
Raghav: so what is the time for a night walk?
Rubi: No. No. No. It's already UpTo 12:30.. it's not our town. It's a village.
*They sounds like they are scared of that.*
Rohit: are you scared?
Smriti: if you think then.. yes we are...
Y/n: oh c'mon Smriti... Look at the refreshing weather. It will be fun.
Raghav: just look at our brave sister.. she's not skittish like you girls.
Rohit: okay let's go.. we will go for a walk. Anshu? Should we give you an invitation differently?

*Anshu was chatting on the phone with his fiance. He took off his head from phone's screen and replied..*
Anshu: umm.. let's go.

*They are walking at the night street. The environment of village is surprising them. It's so peaceful.. for the people of town. That's why for them this is rare. They all came from different towns to attend Anshu's wedding. Even Anshu also came to his home village for the marriage. They couldn't stay without complimenting on it..*

Raghav: the wind is so cool.
Y/n: yes. This weather rare in our town.

*Suddenly something came on Rohit's mind. They heard a lot about this village from their grandparents.*

Rohit: Anshu? I heared there is an Abandoned Bridge in this village.
Anshu: yeah. I heard it too. Maybe it's not so far than this place.
Y/n: wow! An Abandoned bridge? It seems so exciting. Bhai let's go there..
Anshu: y/n... As long as I know.. the bridge is restricted. People doesn't go there.
Rohit: why it is restricted for? Kind of ghost or something?

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