It is real... ?

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With the right side of your face smacked into his chest, you could clearly hear every unsteady beat of Mr Kang's heart racing along with his irregular breathing pace travelling to your ears. His fragrance of fresh pears being encompassed in a bouquet of white freesias soon engulfed your soul which reminded you of autumn.

You were so drowned in this autumn fantasy but quickly got back to your senses. "I'm sorry!", you said blushing, quickly standing back on your two feet. You grabbed your backpack and ran straight out of the classroom.

Leaving Mr Kang, who was still in shock of what just happened, standing in the same position with his left hand positioned at where your waist was. Deep in his thoughts, he wondered how you made him felt at peace.

"Get your crap together. She's your student." He subconsciously said it out loud. "Y/n!" he shouted for you as reality slowly hit him but realised that you were no longer around.

You were dashing for your next class leaving you panting when you finally reached the class. As soon as you sat down, your mind started drifting off to the touch and scent of Mr Kang that you have fallen in love. "If only a guy like him would fall in love with me." you thought.

The rest of the day consisted of you replaying that scene in your head. You also can't help but imagine the different scenarios that could have taken place. From grabbing onto his arm to stop your fall but instead causing him to fall over you while your lips met. You just couldn't stop making up scenes with him, he was basically stuck in your mind the whole day.

Time skipped.

The school bell rang, it was finally 4 pm and your last class had ended. You couldn't wait to leave school as you hurriedly packed your bag. You left the classroom and walked down the hallway. But you suddenly remember that Mr Kang wanted to see you in his office.

"Ugh crap. Do I really have to see him? Why does he wanna see me anyway? Let's just head home. He probably doesn't even remember." You thought to yourself as you slowly started to feel your body heating up.

The thought of Mr Kang wanting to see you in his office made your ears red. You could feel your veins and your face getting warm. "I should probably just head home," you thought. Suddenly, you felt someone grabbed your right arm and let out a loud gasp. A familiar scent wafted into your nose.

"Weren't you supposed to see me after school today? Y/n." Mr Kang said seductively. "You are not thinking about going home without seeing me eh"

"I... I mean no, I was heading to your office." You said looking down at your feet. "Are you that nervous to see me?" Mr Kang asked as he let out a small laugh. "Let's head to the library, I'll personally tutor your maths." You nod your head and follow Mr Kang to the library.

Entering the library, it was quite empty. After all, who is that crazy to be studying on the first day of school right? You followed closely behind Mr Kang as he searched for a seat, taking a step closer to his back with each step as the scent of fresh pears and white freesias drew you in.

Without realising that he has actually stopped walking, you bumped your head into his back. "Ouch," you softly said and rubbed your forehead.

You expected Mr Kang to check on you but he didn't even bother. Instead, he sat down and said "Are you going to stand there?"

"Wow, look at him pretending not to care but still wanting to tutor me," you thought. You sat down opposite him and took out all your maths materials.

"Ok, we shall start with the basics." Mr Kang stated as he opened up your textbook. He proceeded to talk about god knows what as you slowly get distracted by the sight of his fluffy black hair, the pair of shimmery foxy eyes, the sharp yet cute little nose, his red glossy lips with a distinctly cute cupid's bow and defined jawline. How can someone be so perfect you wondered.

"Y/n. Y/n" Mr Kang called your name as he lightly tapped on the table with his knuckles. "Oh, sorry," you said. "Try these questions that I've just explained." Mr Kang said as he turned the textbook to your direction while pointing to the questions.

You obviously couldn't do any of the questions cause who was paying attention again?

Mr Kang noticed how you were struggling with those basic questions. He stood up and pulled his chair over beside yours. His autumn scent started to fill your soul again and soon you were drowning in it.

Screw paying attention to maths when there is such a hot and sexy man teaching you.

Time skipped...

"Ok, last question for today," Mr Kang said as he finished explaining the question. He looked at you only to see your head resting on your right arm and your eyes closed. He looked at his watch and realised that it was already 9 pm.

"Y/n" Mr Kang gently shakes your right arm. "Yes, yes, I'm listening, I'm not sleeping." You said trying to open one of your eyes. Mr Kang let out a soft chuckle at your words. She's so cute, he thought to himself.

"Let's get you home. It's pretty late already, I'm sure your parents are worried about you." Mr Kang said. Little does he know that your parents had never once cared for you and your grandma was the one who raised you. But since your grandma passed on, you have been living alone.

"Where do you stay? I'll drop you off." Mr Kang said as you packed your bag. "It's ok, I can head back home myself." "No, I insist. It's not safe for a young lady like you to be heading home alone at this time."

"Alright, then you can drop me off at a convenience stall near my house, I'm starving." "Haha, sure." He smiled and replied to you.

Both of you left the school together.

Mr Kang doesn't drive so you walked to the bus stop with him. On the way there, you saw a new cafe that recently opened which you wanted to try. "That cafe looks good." You mumbled while walking by.

"Let's go in, we have to eat after all." Mr Kang said after hearing your words. "Nah, it's fine, it's a little late for cafe." You faked an excuse as cafe meals were a little too expensive for you to afford unless it was your birthday which actually is but you stopped celebrating after your grandma passed on.

"It's my treat since I made you stay back till this late." He grabbed your arm and entered the cafe.

He found a window seat and the both of you sat opposite of each other. The cafe was really pretty in pink and purple hues decorated with various dried flowers.

"What would you like?" Mr Kang asked, "Same as you, I guess?" You replied to him as you felt too tired to think of dinner. You felt unusually tired, maybe it was your period coming you thought.

Mr Kang stood up to get the orders. You waited for him as you looked out the window thinking about today. It was quite overwhelming, so much happened.

About some time later, Mr Kang came back with two plates of aglio olio pasta, a cup of iced Americano, a pot of rose tea and a slice of strawberry creme cake.

This was exactly what you used to order for your birthday which made you feel like tearing up. Mr Kang noticed your watery eyes, "Are you ok y/n?" He asked. You nodded your head and replied, "Ahh, just a little tired from today."

"This cake is for you." Mr Kang said as he placed the cake in front of you. "Thank you" you smiled sightly. You started with the strawberry creme cake then the pasta.

As you were finishing your pasta you suddenly felt a sharp pain in your abdomen area. Ughhhh, not now you thought to yourself. 

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