The last hope

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A young woman was sitting on the edge of her bed watching her 2 kids outside playing air soccer. The woman was known as "The Eye of Beauty" or "Little Lily" for her blonde hair and her shiny blue eyes. But she wasn't just any beautiful girl. She is also the head guard of her city, lumina. So, she normally would have to stay on her guard from time to time.

And although she was on her day off, she couldn't shake off the feeling that something wasn't going to go so well. And to her surprise, she wasn't wrong. She started to hear a loud ringing noise in her ear. Almost like a whistle and a siren mixed. She started to get nervous and looked back outside. Her kids weren't playing anymore.

Instead, they were just standing still and looking away from the women's view. She was confused about what they were looking at, so she grabbed her air shoes and headed outside to see what the commotion was about. She was about to ask them what was wrong until she realized what her kids were looking at. The kids were staring over at the large mushroom cloud far away in the distance. It wasn't long until another one erupted nearby. The woman was watching the destruction in silence and distraught. "Get inside." The woman told her kids, and they ran inside in a blink of an eye.

She looked off in the distance trying to figure out what was going on. All she could see were families running away, buildings crashing down to the ground, and people screaming in pain. It didn't take her too long to realize that today was the day that she was taught in her training. Today was the end. She could remember her captain telling her these few simple instructions.

"Some day the world will end. And it will indeed come. And when it does, I want you to go find a place in time for us to travel to before we end up nonexistent anymore. And if you can't find a place, find the problem for all of this. And remember one thing. Don't give up until your very last breath" her captain would always say before he too turned nonexistent. She went through her pockets and grabbed onto her time travel pocket watch. She took one final look at the madness before she went back.


The woman randomly wakes up from an unfamiliar place. She didn't know where she was or what time she managed to travel. Looking outside the window, and everything seemed to look normal. She then started to feel the floor rattle slightly. She didn't know what was going on until she heard a loud BOOM coming from outside. The women immediately took cover.

She was worried that the building might come down any second but before she could even try to leave the building was already sifting back and forth vigorously until it crashed down to the ground. She couldn't remember much of what was going on. When she reopened her eyes again, she noticed two men in military suits looking over at her. "Мадам з тобою все гаразд? Це було досить погане падіння, яке ти злетів з цієї будівлі." (Madam, are you okay? It was a pretty bad fall you took off from this building.). One of the soldiers spoke to the woman but she didn't respond.

She was still processing all of the events going on. In the blink of an eye, another explosion erupted near them. The soldiers then grabbed the woman by the arm and dragged her away from the chaos.

They were yelling something over to other soldiers, but the women couldn't understand their language. "Росіяни планують засідку. Готуйтеся до всього, що вони намагаються зробити!" (The Russians are planning an ambush. Get ready for everything they're trying to do!). The soldiers nodded and split up and left the women with the rest of the survivors. She felt as though she may lose her hearing from all of this. The noises of buildings collapsing. The roars of explosions erupt. The cries and yells of people.

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