I get and i answer my hotel room door

Tegan : hi
Freya : hiya u alright
Tegan : yh I'm good come in
Freya : thank u

I move out the way and she walks in

Freya ; so i will do your make up first and then u can change and then we will head down to the beach for the final shoot
Tegan ; ok sounds good is the hair good how it is
Freya ; yes that hair is fine right sit down and we will start
Tegan ; ok

I sit down and she does my makeup the same as she did yesterday

Tegan ; do u have a business card
Freya ; i do

She hands me her card

Tegan ; i go on tour next year and i need a makeup artist so i will be me Aquarius
Freya : yes please do
Tegan : really
Freya ; yh as of the minute i do not have any bookings
Tegan : well i will get onto it and we will sort something
Freya : that will be good
Tegan : yh

I stand up

Freya : right this is the fit she wants u to wear
Tegan ; i will change
Freya : lovely

I take the outfit and i go into the bathroom and i change into the clothes and i head out 

Freya ; amazing

I put my shoes on and i grab my phone and bag and we leave the hotel and we walk down to the beach.

Lucy : hi
Tegan ; hi

I hug her

Lando ; hey
Tegan : hi
Lucy : again u look amazing
Lando ; well its the outfit
Lucy ; yh its certainly not the face this doesn't include your beautiful
Tegan ; no thats u
Lucy ; thank u
Lando ; I'm offended
Lucy ; oh wow its the end of the world
Lando ; it is
Lucy ; get over lets begin this shouldn't take to long so u can have the rest of the day to do what u want .
Lando ; ok
Lucy : so lando u go first and then tegan and then we will do u guys together again
Lando ; cool

I stand back so they can get his shots and same as yesterday lucy was being a hype women and just seemed to be enjoying every second and then it was my go . So we get my shots

Lucy : now we will get u guys together

He comes over to me and we get our shots done togther

Lucy : and the last couple shots will be of u guys sitting and just talking
Tegan ; ok

The crew put down a blanket and we sit down

Lando ; this is not comfortable
Tegan ; no its not i sat on the beach for ages yesterday my butt still hurts so this doesn't help

He starts laughing

Tegan : sorry tmi
Lando ; no tmi is u saying your butt burt because u done butt stuff

We both start laughing

Tegan; no no nothing comes near my butt

He starts laughing again

Lucy: loving this
Lando ; wait

He put his thumb on my cheek

Lando ; sorry u had an eyelashe on your cheek
Tegan ; its ok
Lucy ; yes i loved that lando
Lando ; totally planned it
Lucy : couple more shots
Tegan ; i could do with shots now
Lando : right now
Tegan: ok not right now but tequila sounds good
Lando ; no not tequila
Tegan ; yes
Lando : oh no me and tequila do not miss well
Tegan ; what happens
Lando : oh i black out so i don't know and then i wake up with a bad hangover but if people ask i do not drink .
Tegan: why would i get asked if u drink
Lando ; just if u ever do i don't drink
Tegan ; ok
Lucy: and we are done thank u u guys so much
Tegan : its been fun
Lucy : it has
Lando : thank u for having me
Tegan : yes thank u
Lucy : thank u for modeling for me

all yours / lando norris Where stories live. Discover now