I get out of bed going to the bathroom brushing my hair and teeth and i pack all my things up from the bathroom and i walk out getting dressed and i put everything into the bag . I sit down on the bed going on my phone untill i get message on

Landonorris : I'm outside

Teganeze : be down in a second

I stand up picking up my bag and i walk out my hotel room and i head down to the lobby handing in the key car and i walk out and lando was outside leaning on his car .

Lando ; hey
Tegan : hi u ok
Lando : yh I'm good u
Tegan : yh not to bad
Lando : good

He takes my bag off me putting it in the back of the car

Lando ; ready
Tegan ; yh
Lando : lets go then

I walk round getting in the car

Tegan ; thank u for driving
Lando : thats ok when your no more then like 20 30 minutes away its fine
Tegan ; thank u tho
Lando : thats ok
Tegan ; do u wanna know what isn't ok
Lando ; what isn't ok
Tegan ; your fans
Lando ; oh god
Tegan; so while i was waiting for u i went on my phone scrolling threw twitter and then i see someone has put . Why is lando with her are they dating if there dating he can do so much better blah blah . I'm like wait what so can't lie i did a stalk of your Instagram had no clue u were a f1 driver . No wonder i was sent so much hate
Lando ; i am so sorry sometimes the fans do get a little crazy when I'm with the opposite sex .
Tegan ; its fine but i just had no clue who u were so when i saw i was getting hate i was like i need cheak who u atchully are .
Lando : u don't watch f1
Tegan: no I'm football girly any other sports i do not a have a clue about
Lando : so u don't know anything of f1
Tegan : i know its cars and that lewis Hamilton is a driver and u now but thats all my knowledge of it .
Lando : that is the answer i always get when i meet people who don't know anything of f1 there like i know its cars and just lewis Hamilton
Tegan : I'm sorry ok I'm basic

He starts laughing

Lando : its ok
Tegan : i would ask about f1 but I'm sure u talk about it enough that i won't bother u with it . I will learn myself about it all
Lando ; ask away i do get asked a lot about it but I'm happy talking it
Tegan : well u talk I'll listen
Lando ; ok well there is 10 teams and 20 drivers 2 driver on every team and every other weekend . We will travel to a new country and on a Saturday we will do qualifying and where u qualify on the Saturday is where u will start on the grind on the sunday .
Tegan  : and u all drive at the same time
Lando ; Saturday no on the Sunday yes
Tegan ; with your teammate
Lando ; yh so its all the driver even your teammate and even tho u drive for the same team . Your teammate is like your biggest Competitor u always want to beat the other teams but u also do want to beat your teammate to show your the better driver of the team .
Tegan: so it can be very competitive sport
Lando : so competitive and only the top 10 drivers gets points if u finish lower then that u get no points
Tegan : so u definitely want to finsh in the top 10
Lando ; yh but u always want to finsh 1st or if not 1st aleast in the top 3 cause then when u get the podiums .
Tegan ; yh everyone always want to win
Lando : oh yh i sadly haven't got a f1 win yet
Tegan ; it will come
Lando ; god i hope so
Tegan ; so what got u into f1
Lando: my dad took me and my brother to a load karting things and i got into karting so i raced with karting and then i made it up in the ranks and made it into f1 . Its a longer story but i don't want to bore u with it
Tegan : u aren't boreing me your Intriguing me
Lando ; i will go into the full story another time just to much talking of me
Tegan ; I'm the same if i talk to much of myself i hate it
Lando : yh well I'm gonna make u talk about yourself
Tegan ; no we can just talk
Lando : no talk about how u got into the whole music thing
Tegan : just enjoyed singing
Lando : more details
Tegan: no
Lando ; speak
Tegan ; go away
Lando : talk
Tegan ; what
Lando : what got u into music how did u get the music industry
Tegan ; my dad it started off with my dad teaching me how to play the piano and i really enjoyed the piano so i thought I'd look more into music . So i started singing and found i was decent at it so i took it more seriously my mum become my manger and yh .
Lando : is your mum still your manger
Tegan ; yes my mum is still my manger
Lando : thats cool
Tegan : yh its nice
Lando ; i bet
Tegan ; wait i never asked what team do u race for
Lando ; mclaren so if u get into formula 1 u better surport Mclaren and me
Tegan : i promise i will surport mclaren and u and only u
Lando : what i like to hear and it better only be me
Tegan : it will be
Lando ; good
Tegan ; how much do u want for taking me home
Lando : nothing
Tegan: no i need repay u
Lando ; no u don't your literally on the way u kept me company aswell so nothing
Tegan ; no please
Lando ; no
Tegan: i can repay u in other ways

He looks at me

Tegan ; wait wait no no that came out very wrong i didn't mean it like that

He starts laughing

Tegan ; i meant as in i have a show on the 15th September if i gave u a ticket as in a repayment would u take that .
Lando ; i would accept that payment
Tegan ; so you'll come to my show on the 15th
Lando ; if i hand u my phone can u cheak my calendar to see if I'm free also can u put your adress in
Tegan ; yh

He unlocks his phone and then hands it to me and i put my adress in and i go to his calendar

Tegan ; there's nothing
Lando : then i will be there
Tegan ; good Lucy will be there and u can bring someone a friend girlfriend date a family member who ever u want .
Lando : ok
Tegan ; I'll send u over all the info when I'm home
Lando; sounds good with me
Tegan : good
Lando ; and it will be a frined i bring don't have a girlfriend or date
Tegan ; ok well who ever
Lando : is it just 1 show
Tegan ; yh just the 1 show and then i go on full tour next year but missed preforming so i made the 1 show happen
Lando: what sort of tour will it be next year is it uk or world
Tegan ; so Europe and America so half a world tour
Lando ; next will be a world tour
Tegan ; world tour then sell out areas
Lando : oh yes what a dream
Tegan ; and u can win rance
Lando ; become the world champion
Tegan : yh become the world champion
Lando ; I'll be happy
Tegan: yh and I'll be happy with world tours in sold out areas with my football team winning the premier league and and winning the champions league again then the country winning the world cup and euros
Lando : not asking for much then
Tegan ; its a lot to ask but thats what needs to happen
Lando ; what team do u surport
Tegan ; Chelsea
Lando ; should of guessed with your favourite coulor being blue
Tegan : yh do u watch football
Lando: i don't really watch anymore like growing up i supported Bristol cause thats where i grew up . But life become busy so don't get to watch
Tegan ; thats fair enough
Lando ; i did go to the final of the euros tho
Tegan ; no u didn't
Lando ; i did
Tegan: luckey i desperately wanted to go but i couldn't get tickets
Lando ; would u still wanted to of gone knowing that u would of lost
Tegan : yh win or lose i would of loved to of been there
Lando ; it was good game but...i got robbed after the game ended
Tegan : oh my god...that must have been terrifying
Lando : if was a horrible experience
Tegan ; i bet were u ok
Lando ; yh i was fine my watch got stolen and me and max were a little shaken up but we were absolutely fine
Tegan ; aleast u were ok but still a scary thing to go threw
Lando ; yh but its all good now
Tegan ; yh
Lando : so tell who else have u invited to your show
Tegan : so lucy as i said is coming her boyfriend and then a couple of my other friends
Lando : and the roommate
Tegan: of course Franny is gonna be there
Lando ; just checking
Tegan; you'll meet my platonic love of my life
Lando : can't wait
Tegan : i can't wait either
Lando : u can't wait to see me again
Tegan ; oh yh thats whats got me excited
Lando ; so i get u excited now
Tegan ; oh just shut up

We both start laughing

Lando : definitely excited to see me again
Tegan : yh yh
Lando : so i gotta get listening to your music
Tegan ; u enjoy
Lando : what is your music like i heard a snippet of your new album but not a great deal .
Tegan : not completely sad but a little sad and about how men have done me wrong its a mix .
Lando : ok I'll prepare myself for sad and act like a mans done me wrong
Tegan : yh u do that
Lando : hopefully no guy does u wrong again otherwise they will be witten about in a song.
Tegan: they shouldn't be doing wrong then simple
Lando : yh i guess
Tegan ; that is why in my relationship i will take no shit if someone does me wrong there gone . None of the i will change or i swear it will never happen again . Nah your gone
Lando ; no bullshit
Tegan ; as my friend Riley would say your done
Lando: your done
Tegan : yes u say it exactly how he does
Lando : i know the meme
Tegan : good
Lando : right what place is yours
Tegan: its a little further up
Lando ; ok
Tegan ; well thank u for drivivg
Lando : thats ok thank u for the company
Tegan : its been fun
Lando ; it has and now I can't wait for the show
Tegan: yh it will be good
Lando : it will be
Tegan : right anywhere here is fine

He pulls over

Tegan : again thank u and i will see u soon
Lando ; yh see u soon

I get out the car and i go to the back getting my bag

Tegan : bye
Lando : bye

I shut the door and i walk inside to my place

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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