to plant a living flower on a dying earth

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Hyacinths, tulips, roses, and daisies. Flowers are predictable and unchanging. They come and go with the seasons, their beauty limitless. Aerith made it her goal to always capture all the beauty in flowers, but it seems she's gotten too comfortable with her work. Her art teacher was skeptical about her chances of getting into art college, thinking she'd have to step out of the box and try drawing a person. It was comforting to draw flowers whereas her teacher called her artwork 'predictable'.

Aerith huffed as she carried her stuff to the cafe. It's not like she couldn't draw people, she just didn't want to. Why would she? People are unpredictable and unruly — terrifying if she was being honest. The vastness of the city overwhelmed her at times, she had come from a quaint town after all. However, the little cafe comforted her. Its welcoming atmosphere helped her to work during her worst art blocks.

The bell rang when she sauntered over to her usual seat, the air conditioning blowing the hem of her dress around in a bell shape. Her eyebrows furrowed as she sighed. Who would she paint? She didn't know anybody in town.

Aerith groaned and set her head on the table. "Are you okay?" A voice as sweet as honey called out. Aerith looked up to see a striking woman, with strong and kind eyes. Her hair was silky and dark. Her tough physique complimented her almost red eyes. If her smile wasn't so genuine, Aerith might be frightened. Aerith studied the woman for a moment before coming back to her senses.

"Oh! Yeah! Just struggling with school." Aerith's face felt hot, she had been staring for a little too long. Not staring, admiring.

The woman sighed. "I get that, can I get you anything to drink?" She moved her hand to her hip and took out a notepad, the back was covered in stickers.

Come to think of it, the woman was wearing a uniform, with the name 'TIFA' on it. The short-sleeved shirt illuminated her defined muscles. "Oh uh...a dirty chai, please." Aerith gave her a polite smile and the woman closed her notepad swiftly and gracefully.

Aerith rubbed her temples and took out her notebook. It was full of drawings she had done in the Seventh Heaven cafe, but all flowers. She pouted and glanced over to where Tifa was making her drink and absent-mindedly started sketching. What turned into a little sketch became more toned, until Tifa walked over.

Glass clinked against the wooden finish of the table. "Is" Tifa gasped.

Aerith's jaw clenched, and she shut her eyes tightly. This is why she never drew people, they always ended up calling her weird or gross. "I'm so sorry I should've asked. I...".

The barista violently shook her head and placed her hand on Aerith's. "That's not it at all, it's beautiful." Aerith watched as Tifa delicately ran her fingers around the sketch, Aerith had focused the details on Tifa's alluring eyes. Her eyes looked more exquisite than any precious gem.

The room stood still and Aerith's eyes widened. "You really think so?" Her cheerful voice was eager to reply. "I'm so glad!"

Aerith clasped Tifa's hands in glee as Tifa set her drink on the counter. "You know, come to think of it, I've only ever seen you drawing flowers before," Tifa observed as she leaned on the table, causing Aerith to fidget on her stool.

Aerith flipped through her sketchbook with her free hand, sipping her drink with the other. "I didn't know you watched me draw." Aerith raised an eyebrow and giggled while Tifa avoided eye contact.

The barista cleared her throat in an attempt to regain control over the conversation. "I make it a point to keep up with my regulars."

The corners of Aerith's mouth quirked into a smile. "If I'm a regular, would you consider doing me a favor?" She batted her eyes and crossed her legs. The sentence had come out before she could even reflect on it.

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