Chapter 8: mixed messages

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At the city hospital when Alexandra entered she was engulfed by her colleagues who starts  to congratulate her for getting on opportunity in such a large campaign . " congratulations, Alexandra am happy that they choose you in this campaigning" says her colleague excitedly. "Thank you Bonnie .Even I still don't believe that I got to choose in this ". Says Alexandra honestly. " You got this because we all know that you allured our beloved director Alaric Donavan. Otherwise, you wouldn't even had a chance" says a jealousy voice .Alexandra rolls her eyes she knows how her colleague sometimes get jealous of her" stop it Jenna I don't have time for this ". Before Jenna could say anything a door opened and came a man in his 50's . Who has a light beard , accompanying  brown eyes.his  intact features makes him younger than his real age . all eyes turned to him " Alexandra, come to my cabin ." As he opened his office door wider to indicate her to enter. She followed her director's order and entered.

(Alaric Donavan)

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(Alaric Donavan)

Alaric patiently waiting for her and indicate her to sit. As she took her place "First, I would like to congratulate you Alexandra . Your hard work and dedication have paid off in the most extraordinary way." to his compliments she gets uneasy .The only person who would always praised her was her husband. After the incident she never felt content nor happy about anyone's  compliments . On the other hand Alaric donavan in his mid aged yet one of the well known director. Initially , he would often admired Alexandra's politeness,sincerity and kindness towards every one .  Which slowly starts to create a soft corner in his heart . He never had a courage to express his feelings towards her. He knows her story and he genuinely wanted to support her in her career even if it as her mentor. He smiled at her uneasiness. "So, Alexandra are you ready for this?" He tried to ease her. " yes Mr. Donovan? "she replied politely. "how many times I told you to call me by my first name?" To his comment she nodded hesitantly . " how is Alisha ?" . He tried to communicate her and by mentioning hr daughter her features relaxed " she is fine  . She is fixated towards her career". She said proudly." Indeed she is such a brave girl " he also agreed with her. " Tomorrow you have to be at airport at sharp 10:00 'O clock . From there we will get move " informed Alaric . Alexandra agreed with him . " Ok you can pease carry on  ". As for Alexandra she is about to leave but stopped in her tracks. There was a question which continuously nagging in her mind so, she wanted to ask . She turned around and faced Alaric " mr. Dona... I mean Alaric Can I ask you something?" To which he indicate her to continue . "I just want to know that person name . Who suddenly decided to spent his billion dollars on this needy people . And why he choose us to participate in his sponsoring campaign?" Asked Alexandra. " I also don't know exactly who that person is. All I know is that He doesn't want  to disclose his name , and he personally ordered our chairman to selected us ." To his answer she frowned "why Would he want to be hidden ? I mean it can benefit for him if people know" " some people doesn't want to be in a spotlight may he is one of those person  " said Alaric. She nodded understandably and left

On the other side

  After meeting with her friend.  Alisha took the city bus and made her way towards her home . her mood became sour In this gloomy weather .

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