Princess Ozma Returns To Oz

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In the city, Jinjur had went to the attic in the palace to discuss with Mombi how will she get the party of Tip and his comrades. She was pacing back and forth behind Mombi looking at the old woman as she too stared in a magic mirror that was as big as her hand.

" oh come on Mombi" screamed Jinjur in frustration " I thought you were a witch, why isn't The Scarecrow in my possession or dead?"

The woman got up from her seat and said in a snarky tone towards the girl " now you listen, magic is not as easy as it looks. This takes time, we will have Tip and all his friends in our captivity again".

" how can you be so sure of that " maniacally laughed Jinjur " you've spent days tracking the boy, when you finally got to him, he left for the Winkies. When he returned to the city you weren't even prestige enough to bring yourself to the Throne Room. Why does he mean so much to you?" I should kill him".

Mombi said to the young girl angrily " if you hurt Tip, I will send a bug after you that will bite your tongue off and then I'll leave you to die of sleep in the poppy fields".

" then I suggest you work as fast as you can" said Jinjur. Suddenly a fanfare was heard coming from outside the gates of the city. Both were curious to see what going on and peeped through the windows. To their gaze they saw multiple white tents that were outside separately and standing outside was Glinda with her army along with Tip and his companions.

The army of Glinda were prepared for the army of revolt as they waited with golden arrows in the belt ready to charge at them at any time.

Jinjur closed the curtains and told the sorcerer " Glinda, they have brought the most powerful witch in Oz on their side."

" that boy needs to be stopped" said Mombi

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" that boy needs to be stopped" said Mombi.

" Mombi what do we do?" Asked Jinjur " I do not plan on giving up my throne, things still need to be changed. I will surely loose against a battle but I will have a parlay and exchange something with her."

So the girl called in one of her soldiers to come in the throne room and they were summoned. Jinjur Stated " go march outside to Glinda and ask her what are her terms in order for me to reign the Emerald City".

So she did as she was told and gathered a small group of girls to join her on her way to Glinda. The people of the city saw the girls marching to the gate and were in silence as they watched them. The gates then swung open and they marched straight towards the Good Witch.

They girl walked up to Glinda and bowed then said " Hello your greatness,"

" Hello Ms Caroline " replied Glinda

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