Chapter 12: Traitor

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William pov.

Jordan's dead. We shouldn't have pushed her past her limit. I wanted to say some things to her but all I could say was 'See you on the other side.' How stupid is that? I don't plan on dying anytime soon.

Jessica was trying to reach out to Jordan and I pulled her away by hugging her. She eventually gave up and collapsed into my arms crying. I felt so bad for her. But I can't show any weakness. I can't cry. All I can do is comfort her. She was still crying into my shoulder when I hugged her a little tighter.. The hug felt weird. Like a new experience. I had only hugged Jordan one time. Before I did that... I patted Jessica's back comfortingly.

With all this new information from Rebeckah, I could actually get my job back. With Rebeckah and Jordan dead I could actually stop acting. I could actually forget about these girls. I don't regret anything. I took a step away from Jessica, pulling away from her hug. I understand now. I laughed. Jessica looked at me confused as she wiped her tears away. "What are you doing?" She asked me, confused . "It's time to stop acting." I laughed again. "If Jordan had not Killed Rebeckah I would have Killed her myself and then killed you both. Eather way Jordan would be dead now." Jessica gasped. I grinned. I didn't mean it though. "But I guess... I'll let you live." Jessica looked at me like I was Joking. I clearly wasn't. "Funny Joke William. Ha. Ha. Why would you say something like that? Considering the situation we are in, that isn't funny." I started grabbing my stuff. "Who said I was Joking? I don't recall saying anything of the sort" I laughed again. I grabbed my clothes and put my jeans on. I took off my hospital gown and put on my shirt .Jessica stared at me in shock. I smirked. "I would have liked to play this for longer but it doesn't matter now that Jordan's dead."

I grabbed the rest of my stuff and turned to Jessica. She just stood there staring at me. I walked up to her and whispered into her ear. "Don't forget, I chose to let you live. If I really wanted, You would be dead now Jessica.." I walked to open the door but was stopped by Jessica grabbing my arm. "You can't be serious. Stop lying. After all we've been through." Her voice cracked. "We've been on the run, You hit your ex boss and you- You helped us escape." She let go of my arm and looked down at the ground. She shook her head. "Really... Wow. I could be a world class actor. Eh. It's whatever. See you at school on Monday." I said, opening the door. "Oh and," I said before stepping out of the room. "If you tell anyone about this, I will change my decision." I walked out of the room, closing the door behind me. I didn't look back at Jessica as I left the hospital.

A week later I had Cleared up everything with landess and now Jessica and I are no longer wanted by police. We both continued going to school and we haven't talked. She hasn't said anything to anyone. That's good because we had all of our classes together so she had no chance to tell anyone. People have asked Where we have been and why the police were after us. I never answered and I never let Jessica answer. I had my job back and things were great. I did occasionally see missing persons signs for Rebeckah and Jordan, but when asked where they were I shrugged. Because honestly I don't know where they are, and it can stay that way. Jessica and Benjamin started talking again but they didn't get back together. I guess they were friends but some of the workers Jessica had stopped working for her. I guess they are trying to change their lives around and want nothing to do with Jessica. Luna decided that she would continue to work under Jessica, but in all reality she's another person that works for B.A.N.D. Jessica finds out she won't understand anything anymore. She'll be heartbroken again. I'll Just sit back and laugh.

It was August when I walked into a room to find Jessica crying. She didn't notice me. She sat up against the wall in a ball, she was crying into her arms. I smirked and leaned up against the door frame. I sat there staring at her for a good minute before I noticed her grab her bag and pull out a gun. I continued to stare at her for a minute thinking she noticed me. She stared at the gun for a long time. What was she doing? I continued to stand there for another minute. She didn't move, she just stared at the gun. Finally her hand flinched and she started moving the gun. I expected her to point it at me but then pointed it at herself. She pressed the gun against her head. I stood up properly. "What are you doing?" I asked, realizing what she was doing. She turned around and faced me. Her eyes were swollen and red from crying.

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