Chapter 18. A Class With Teacher Eila Neoflower.

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Eila Neoflora waited for a few moments and then spoke aloud. "Now that all of you have the system page open in front of you, let's start with the class. Today, we'll learn what each of the things is and how we can increase them, and if we have time, we'll also speak about energy cycles."

Eila paused and then spoke. "Let's start from the top: name and Titles. The name is self-explanatory. However, it's not as simple as it looks. The name that appears on your system page will be the name you feel you are the most related to. System pages are personal and not for others to see; that's why there are no surnames unless you consider your name and surname as entirely yours."

Seeing the confusion on some students' faces, Eila further explained. "For example, if in the future you become paired and after you have descendants, you feel your surname as being an important part of what defines yourself, your name might change from just Eila to Eila Neoflora."

One student asked. "What about the teacher? Which of the two appears on your page?"

Cinderielle looked over with a speechless expression. 'Do you really think she will answer?'

As she expected, Eila looked over and stated, "I will not answer questions about my own system page." Then, she looked around and asked, "Are there any more doubts about the name?"

After checking and seeing none left with doubts, Eila nodded and continued in her usual natural tone. "If you have anything else to ask, remember to come in the recess. Being forward to asking about your doubts about the class subjects to the teachers is one of the hints to success. Next, Titles."

Eila continued. "Titles come in many shapes and forms; we'll learn their denomination later. Today, I'll give a general introduction. Titles are gained passively and actively." Eila paused and added. "A passively gained title is something like the ones some of you have..."

The teacher looked around, and Cinderielle saw her eyes landing on her. "Student Cinderielle, can you present a title of yours that you think is a passively acquired title?"

Cinderielle looked at <Aether Flame Bearer> and <Nature's Friend> and nodded. "Teacher, I think both my titles are passively acquired; one of them is called <Nature's Friend>."

Eila nodded. "Correct. <Nature's Friend> is a title almost all Sylvans are born with. Of course, if any Sylvan present doesn't have it, it only means that you did something to nature in the past that revoked <Nature's Friend> title. A Sylvan not being born with that title is rare, after all."

Walking toward a wooden board at the back of the class, Eila used an erasable sap pen to write on the board. She wrote. "Passively acquired titles are given by your nature or are hereditary. As an example, monsters in the wild sometimes have <Chief> titles, and these are passed down when the <Chief> steps down or dies and a <Heir> is alive. Monsters with such titles are usually stronger and harder to deal with."

Thompson asked. "What happens if the <Chief> dies before an <Heir> is chosen?"

Eila nodded. "Good question. It entirely depends on the strength of the title. If it were a title for an F or E rank monster, the title would just vanish. After all, to get a "chief" title for those weaker monsters, they only get to unlock their first [Energy Cycle]."

Cinderielle blinked. 'Energy Cycle? What's that?'

Eila knew that someone would ask, so she explained it a step ahead. "Energy Cycles is a subject for a bit later. One must understand many nuances, so explaining it now in a hurry makes no sense. Moreover, you can only come in contact with it for the first time in the jump between Level 9 and Level 10, so don't be hasty. Let's continue with the system page."

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