Staying inside.

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(Fives pov)

I wake up i my new room we i haven't decorated it as much yet but I still like it. I reach into my hat to find my pills but they aren't there so I look around and can't find them. I would spawn then but I'm too tired..I get up and look for them and I find them UNDER MY FUCKING HAT- ahem. They were under my hat. I go down stairs to get water and I take my pills and I hear snoring so I look into the living room and see Four, Three, and Meggy sleeping with blankets. So that's why three wanted extra blankets...anyway I head back up to my room and begin to doodle again. My mind keeps thinking of a dog so I draw a dog. I wish I had one.

After awhile of drawing, I ended up drawing a picture of if I had a dog what they would look like. I drew a German shepherd puppy with fluffy fur and a heart shaped nose. I smile as I think of a name. Heheh...Cis (pronounced kiss :3 IT STANDS FOR CAST IRON SKILLET SHHH...) I write the name next to it and rip out the page. Huh maybe I need a dog for emotional support...I think about going out today and maybe getting one. I shrug before grabbing my hat and scarf. I put on my boots and I was about to head out the door and I see it's...stuck? Huh? 

"Whaazat? H7h?" Smg3 groans as he wakes up.

I continue to pull on the door, trying to pull it open.

"Oh no you don't!" Three says before he comes over and pulls me off the door. "I'm sorry but we aren't letting you anywhere. You need a day to just chill dude."

Meggy and Smg4 start to wake up

"We'll take care of you just go back into your bed Five." Smg3 says pointing to the stairs

"But...but...I wanted to..."




"Aw ok..."

I groan as I go upstairs to my room and lay down in my bed and take my hat off.

"Stupid Three making me stay home..." I say before blushing. AAHAHAHHHHH HE CARES ABOUT MEEEEEE!!1! EEEEEEEEEEEAA

I ended up staying home with three and four checking on me as meggy left cuz of a gun thing idk  🤷‍♀️. I end up getting bored so I get up and I walk out my door and head down to the kitchen and I see Four and Three talking before it turns into an argument...of course...i sigh as I grab some cookies and head over to the living room.

"Not I'm my house!" I say before shoving cookies in there mouth to shut them up

It ends up working as they shut up and eat the cookies.

"Im bored" I say in a monotone voice before sitting down next to them 

"Movie?" Three asks

"Ohhh yes I'll get popcorn!" Four says before he gets up to make some

"Then we can super on it!" Three says

"What the fuck is wrong with you! You absolutely put salt!" Four says

Another argument. I sit there slowly getting agitated from the bickering and yelling

"SHUT UP!" I yell and they immediately stop "whoops I didn't mean to yell...hah...sorry.." I say immediately apologizing "but butter is best..." I say with a smirk. Three and Four blush as four brings the popcorn over. I eat some popcorn and I watch the movie and it's a pretty good movie!

A couple hours later I ended up falling asleep so the two guys don't know what do do since they aren't tired. They see a piece of paper on the counter and pick it up and they see it's a drawing of a dog made by five. The boys immediately look each other then smile before heading out of the house. Three leaves but four stays just in case...he lays Five on the couch and covering him with a blanket. Four gets pretty hungry and walks to the pantry to see if there's some snack he can eat. He grabs some crackers and moves over to the living room again and sitting on the floor in front of the couch to watch over five. He enjoys watching over him, (NOT LIKE LITERALLY WATCHING AS HES SLEEPING OVER HIS FACE I MEAN LIKE JUST LISTENING) it's soothing.

(Fours pov)

Man..he's sleeping so peacefully now...I'm so glad even after the incident...I think maybe those pills are helping him show his emotions more so maybe that's why he snaps sometimes...I really hope this doesn't get worse...but I'm sure with me and threes help we'll get five mentally stable again : D

It's been HOURS damn five was that tired? Where is three? Uhm..,I pull out my phone and grab my earbuds and out them in and watch some videos as not to wake five up.

(With three plus his pov)

Holy shit it's perfect! In every way! The nose, to the derpy face! Holy hell. He'll love this! Maybe it'll help him be less lonely when I'm gone >:3

I pay for it and surprisingly it wasn't that expensive only 50 bucks? Freaking steal! I look around the store and grab a couple of things, making sure they match, and head out. I put it in my car and drive back to fives house. I call Four so I don't wake five by knocking and four comes out quickly and quietly.

"Did you get it?" Four asks

"Yup it's in my car and the AC is on so it's okay staying the car for a little bit." I say to four pointing to it. 

Fours pupils dilate as he squeals

"It's so cute! Wait- sorry I need to be quiet..."

"Damn right, now how are we gonna present this?"

Four whispers to three and three smirks

"Okay...let's get ready!" Three says with smirk

They grab it and set it infront of the house before putting the other stuff in a box and wrapping it up in wrapping paper.

"This is the best idea ever" I say proudly

"For once, I agree." Four says with a smile



(words: 1014 words)

(Discontinued) I think we like you..? (Smg4 and Smg3 X !Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now