Ascended Astarion

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[ A/N: Just wanna note that this is a sad oneshot here on how trauma can change a person and those around them. ]

There it was, you have found yourself in a situation that you would never thought you'd be in

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There it was, you have found yourself in a situation that you would never thought you'd be in. Astarion had ascended after killing Cazador and he became the king of Baldur's Gate and now it was time for you to be his queen.

Were you forced into this?


Did you feel like you have to do this?


The guilt weighs on you as it was all your fault that Astarion changed in the first place. You two were sleeping around, became good friends and fell in love. Well... You didn't. You used Astarion only for your self pleasure and when he cought you with another man, he lost his mind. That alone, pushed him to become bitter and vengeful. It was the same thing that pushed him to ascend. "At least I know that power will always be on my side." He often would say and you hated it.

You looked at Astarion with rage as he grabbed you by your arm. He dragged you in the royal dressing room where he had brought you many new dresses. They were absolutely beautiful but you wasn't impressed. "Now, go and pick your damn dress. Your coronation tomorrow and we have no time to waste!" He said coldly. You roll your eyes as you slowly walked and picked between the dresses. You really didn't care so you just picked one that you saw first.

( A/N: I personally like the 2nd one! )

You took the dress and showed it to him

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You took the dress and showed it to him. Astarion smiled "I love that one, it brings out the magic in your eyes... Now hurry and go try it on. I want to see how good my future queen would look like in the dress that she's going to wear with the crown." You did as you were told and slipped on the dress, he was slowly getting on your nerves with bossing you around but you kept calm. After putting on the dress, you walked up to him slowly. You paused and slowly spin around for him so he could get a good look at you. He liked what he sees and decided to let his hands go the talking.

He walked up behind you as you two stare at the mirror together. He ran his hand from your shoulder to your breasts, giving them a slight feel. His hand went down further to your stomach and back up to your neck. He then pulled you close to him that you can smell his cologne. He was eyeing your neck some more, craving your blood. He bends down and start kissing it, preparing to bite.

You suddenly pulled away "I can't do this shit anymore!" You hissed. "You don't have a choice, Y/N! You did this to me and you are going to pay back everything you have done!" He snapped. You crossed your arms and looked away "I know what I did but that doesn't give you the right to do whatever you want to me!" Astarion paused for a bit as his eyes burn in anger "So it was okay for you to fuck with my feelings after I told you that I was abused!? How it was hard for me to love and opened up!? You're lucky to be here, I could of just thrown you in the dungeon to rot but no, I gave you everything. You know that I would give you more if you asked when I knew deep down inside you don't love me..."

You scream out "I'M SORRY! Okay!?"

Astarion froze. It was like his old self was still fighting to trust you again but the anger and betrayal overloaded his mind. "You... I.. Just shut up! I'm not falling for this again. You're going to be my queen and we will be happy and we will rule over Baldur's Gate together! Forever. You spoke softly "Forever?" Astarion stroked your cheek and trailed his fingers down to your neck as he made a soul consuming laugh. "You'd think I'll let you die from old age? You're going to be my vampire spawn. The night of your coronation, you will be officially mine! FOREVER."

You couldn't say anything. You were silent again, froze in time. You wanted to cry but a tear nor an argument is going to change anything at this point. You accepted your faith, wishing you never did this poor man wrong.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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