Chapter 1 Part 3: Shaverick's POV

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Tears flow from my eyes as I sit in the box window of our rented home. Flashbacks of the beautiful girl I lost a couple years ago flood my mind, and I guess I just really miss her.

I'll never forget the day that we met and how it all suddenly fell apart.

A terrible thing had happened in my gang and I was the cause of it. In shock and panic at how dreadful it really was, I ran away in the darkness of the night and lost the trail so no one could follow me.

But the thing I'd decided to do was just as bad as what I had actually done, but since it was all over, I didn't care.

A town farther I was hospitalized, being suicidal and having self-harmed. But I was so upset, I managed to leave the hospital. Then with the cops on my tail I landed in San Francisco. I knew they were just looking out for me, probably having been notified by the hospital of my disappearance, but I couldn't let them catch me or they'd arrest me for sure.

I found a party and entered the building, and there in the middle of the room stood the most gorgeous girl I had ever seen. She had a charming smile, and these beautiful long golden waves flowing down her shoulders paired with gorgeous gray eyes.

Then she looked up at me, and we clicked in an instance. I smiled at her, walked through the crowd, and there we had our first kiss. The two of us became a thing, popular among the party kids and the hot topic on everyone's lips.

We didn't care what anyone thought, as long as we were together we were happy and to us that was all that mattered. Here we forgot all the bad in our lives and lived our lives for each other.

But when she brought me to her house to help her with homework, her mom was not impressed and she didn't seem to like the looks of me. I was a gangster, and to her a bad influence on her already rebellious daughter.

Maybe that's why we were so close, we were both rebellious and partners in crime. Suzanne knew nothing about me and my life at home, but I was brought along to her home. Maybe that's what scared her mother Kate the most. But in the end she had nothing to fear because she had more power than me, and maybe that was how it began to fall apart.

Despite Suzanne's mother's intentions to tear us apart it all seemed to pull us together. We took her ex's car, Chaynes, and then got into an accident. Abandoning the vehicle, the two of us giggled as we disappeared into the gloom, drenched from the torrential downpour around us.

By the time the cops arrived, we were gone and no one knew where we were, but it did bring trouble to Chaynes when the cops arrived at his home after discovering the car belonged to him.

He gave us a lecture but he also loved Suzanne Though I had stolen her from him, he gave in. I have Suzanne to thank for that, because she begged him to be easy on me and I guess that was his weakness. That was an advantage on my part.

Even though I didn't go to school, Suzanne still invited me to her prom. Somehow, the two of us earned the 'cutest couple' award, and were nominated Prom King and Queen.

We had a couple years of this type of free-spirited fun where we could forget everything around us as long as we were together, but it soon came to an end. It came much faster than I anticipated, which is probably why it is still such a shock to me.

She came up to me one day, to my house. I never even knew that she knew where I lived, but she knocked on my door and I took her to my room. My uncle Marcus wasn't so impressed, but I could see that he liked her too, but in a different way. I took her to my own space, not wanting to leave her alone with my uncle. Neither did I ever want her to see what happened to me on a daily basis.

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