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              Draco followed Blaise to the Potions room. As they neared the dungeons, the young Malfoy saw Weasel, She-Weasel, and Potter, but not the Mudblood. He noticed Blaise cautiously eyeing the She-Weasel. "What, mate, have you fallen for She-Weasel?" he sneered. Blaise turned to him and mouthed later. 

             "Okay, Class!" Slughorn called out. "Today we will be making Amortentia. Can anyone tell me-" Just then, the Mudblood came running in. Her face was flustered and her cute curls were a mess. Wait. What did he just say? 

           "S-sorry professor," she mumbled, slumping into her seat. 

          "A-anyways, I will be partnering you up." A chorus of groans followed. "Ms. Granger and Mr. Malfoy, Ms. Weasley and Mr. Zabini, Ms. Parkingson and Mr. Potter, Mr. Weasley and Ms. Brown, Ms. Lovegood and Mr. Nott." 

       Draco groaned, sliding into the seat next to the Mudblood, flashing his famous smirk. "Hey, Mudblood," he sneered. "Late to class?" The Mudblood looked away, bright red. She rushed off to get ingredients while Draco boiled up the cauldron. After the potion was finished, Draco shot his hand up. So did Granger. 

          Slughorn walked over. "Ah! Let's test it. What do you smell, Mr. Malfoy?" Draco sniffed heavily.

           "Lavender, parchment, and... the library?" 

            "And you, Ms. Granger?"

            "Green apples, spearmint, and vanilla."

            "Excellent! You two are dismissed." Slughorn smiled.

             Granger grabbed her things and ran up to the Head dorms, Draco following after her. After a bit, though, he felt his Veela half bubble with happiness. No. It couldn't be. Was Granger his mate?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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