Chapter 9:Bickering

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Published: July 2, 2015

Edited: September 18, 2017

Levi's POV

I look at the clock, "Tch." It was 2:40, this is the time I have to pick up the stupid brats. I walk out of the house and head to the school.

{10 minute Time Skip}

I arrive at the school, and now all I have to do is wait for the two brats. I don't know why I always come 10 minutes early. I think it's pretty stupid of me to constantly arrive at the school 10 minutes early.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see a mother with her son. They were walking, hand in hand, all happy, it sickens me. Seeing a mother and her son all happy together just sickens me at the sight. It just reminds me of myself and my mother.

As soon they walk by, I just quickly try to forget what I was thinking of. I didn't want to think to much about her. Soon the school bell rang signaling the end of the day. I wait a couple of minutes until I see (Y/n) and Mikasa walking out of the building, talking. They see me and their shoulders dropped . Well, only (Y/n)'s shoulders drop.

"Brats..." I say, impatient as always. 

"Hey..." Mikasa say. 

"Hi." (Y/n) with a bit of an attitude. Not making any eye contact. And I did not appreciate this kind attitude.

I forcefully lift her chin up for her to face me so that her (e/c) eyes was looking into mine, "Listen here, brat. I'm not going to deal with any of your attitude. If we are going to live together as a so called 'family', then I am NOT, going to deal with your teenaged attitude bullshit. Do I make myself clear?" I ask annoyed.

She rolls her eyes, "Yeah. Crystal." 

"I think she got the bad attitude from you, Levi..." Mikasa says with a smirk. 

"Tch, as if. Come on." I say while rolling my eyes. The girls talk as we walk. I have nothing better to do than eavesdrop a bit.

"Did you hear there's this new show called, 'Ajin: A Demi-Human'? I think there's a manga of it already but it's kinda  different." (Y/n) asks looking at Mikasa. (A/n: In this newly edited version, it was originally Attack on Titan but I didn't like the idea of it. Sooooo yeah....)

"Yeah. I heard that the first episode will come out on Thursday." Mikasa says.

"We should watch it with the others. I'm sure the boys will like it also." (Y/n) suggests. 

"I'm not sure Krista will like it though since there is a lot of violence in it." Mikasa says. 

"You gotta point there..." It's like I'm not even there.

I roll my eyes, "Brats...." I say under my breath. Somehow, (Y/n) heard me and shot me a death glare. Oh if only looks could kill...

Reader's POV
"You don't even know what we're talking about..." I snap at him, giving him a death glare. 

"I'm sure I know. You two are talking about 'Ajin' or some shit." He shrugs.

"Why are you even listening?" 

"Well apparently I'm right next to you and there's no other place I should be, is there?" I ask glaring at her. We stop walking. 

"Well why don't you just block us out of your hearing?" I say with a huff. 

"Well why don't you try and stop talking, blabber mouth."

"Well it isn't MY fault that I'm a blabber mouth, is it?!" I spat back angrily. 

I could see in his eyes he was getting angry also, "Well it isn't my fault that I'm eavesdropping!" He shoots back. 

"Why don't you just mind your own business?!"

"I did!"

"Nooooo. Minding your own business means not saying a word about it because you don't give a damn!"

"I don't!"

"Then you can just go suck a-"

"(Y/n)!" Mikasa cuts me off, "I need to get home." She reminds us. I shoot a glare at Levi and he does the same. We soon have a glaring contest. I glare shooting daggers at him, and so does he with his steel grey orbs. After 3 minutes, I look away furiously. Knowing I had been defeated since Levi is known for his death glares.

We walk away the rest in silence. We approach Mikasa's home. "I'll text you later..." I whisper to her. Mikasa nods. 

"Bye..." Mikasa says before walking off. 

"Bye." I say. Levi doesn't say a word. And he doesn't say a word for the rest of the walk home. And so do I.

We mostly walked home angry at each other. As soon as we get home I let myself in and "accidentally" slammed the door right in front of Levi's face. He opens the door and just by looking at him, he was pissed. But surprisingly took it calmly since our parents were home.

"Welcome home, you two! How did it go?" My mom asks with a smile on her face. John smiles at us, almost asking the same. Me and Levi look at each other then back at them. 

I put on a fake smile, "Oh, us? It went out great! Levi reminded me this morning on how to set good examples and we had a great walk home! We were talking about this new show and Levi was also just 'so' excited to watch. Right, Levi?" I ask glaring at him.

"Yeah. Something like that." He says coldly, "I'm going to be in my room if you need me..." He says as he walks to his room. 

"Alright, Levi. We'll call you down when dinner is ready." Mom says.

"Alright..." He says. He seems to be much more polite to my mother. Now I'm just wondering if he's just trying to kiss ass. He washes the dishes, he cleans the house, he organizes the bookshelf, he cleans the bathroom, mostly all that a mother would do. And it makes her and John proud. Even when I try to help they just say to let Levi do it.

Makes no sense at all. And all I can say under my breath as I walk in my room and throw my school bag onto the floor is, "Suck up..."

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