Chapter 22: Work

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{The Next Day~}

(Y/n)'s POV

I looked out the window as Levi drove. I was going with him to work after asking him many, MANY times until he finally gave in. I hummed along to the music on the radio as I watched houses, cars, trees, and others pass by. I sigh as I leaned back in my seat and looked ahead and at Levi, who was driving. I punched his arm and hurt my knuckles as I flinched in slight pain when he didn't.

"Ow..." I mutter while rubbing my knuckles.

"Tch. Weakling." He says with a small laugh. I frown and stick my tongue out at him.

"No. It's just that you have hard ass biceps. You work out too much." I mutter as I continued to rub my knuckles. Levi rolls his eyes.

"You shouldn't be punching me while I'm driving anyway because you could get us in a accident. Why did you punch me anyway?" I shrug.

"I dunno. 'Cause I felt like it...?" I say with a shrug and started slapping his forearm as I continued to look ahead. (Literally me with my ex after we started talking to one another after the six month gap of not speaking to each other since our break up)

"You're such a pain in the ass that I might have ass cancer because of you." He mutters as red hand prints started to form on his arm.

"Shut up. I think you already have ass cancer, might want to talk to your doctor about that." I say with a smile as I stopped slapping him. Levi sighs with a smirk and eye roll as he pulls up in a parking lot in front of a Jewelry shop. He turns the engine off and unbuckles his seatbelt.

"Now I don't want you touching jack shit in there." He says handing me a box of fruit snacks, a coloring book, crayons, and juice boxes, "I want you to be good and just sit in a corner and occupy yourself." I frown at him.

"But I wanna help. I'm not a five year old."

"Well, you're one now. And you're not going to do jack but eat your fruit snacks, sip your juice, and color in your coloring book. Got it?" He asks with a blunt look. I huff with a pout.

"Fine." I mutter as he pecks me on the lips before getting out of the car. I get out of the car as well and follow him in with a pout. Levi opens the door as the bell rings when it does and we walk inside.

"Finally, Levi! You could've picked a better time to be late." Says a man behind the counter as he magnified a diamond ring with a monocle. Levi clicked his tongue.

"Yeah right. I'm exactly on time, old man." He scoffs as he walked me behind the counter, "(Y/n), you remember my uncle Kenny." Levi says. I look at the older gentleman and smile as I recognized him. 

"Oh, hi, Kenny!" I say with a smile. He removed the magnifying piece from his eye as he looked at me before smiling a bit.

"Oh look who it is. My new niece." He says, "How's your mom doing?" He asks.

"Good." I say with a nod as Levi sat me down in a small corner.

"That's good. She going to be helping you today, Levi?" Kenny asked. Levi let's out a small sarcastic laugh.

"Hell no. As you can see," He gestures a hand towards me, "She's going to sit there and color in her coloring books, eat her fruit snacks, and drink her juice."

"You're treating her as if she's a toddler." Kenny says.

"See? Even he agrees." I say with a smirk while eating a fruit snack. Levi rolls his eyes.

"Because she is one." He says as I frowned at him. Kenny waves him off.

"Bah! Just go get those boxes in the back and restock them here in the cases." He orders Levi as he sighs and nods as he goes in the back.

Sibling Love {Levi x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now