The Corner Store

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"Is it cold outside Mister Aizawa?" Midoryia asked as the man helped the boy into a long-sleeved sweater.

"It's pretty chilly, even in the house. You're not cold?" Aizawa asked as he buttoned up the front.

"I don't think so, but I like the warm," Midoryia said as the sweater was fitted on him.

"It's colder outside so this should be good," Aizawa said giving a quick boop to Izuku's nose as he finished dressing him up but found that the boy's nose was freezing under his touch. This prompted him to make Izuku wear a scarf so he could bunch up his face in it if he felt cold.

"How about you Bakugou? Nice and warm?" Aizawa asked the blonde who was admiring the wool lining of his red jacket. Bakugou nodded in response, his body always seemed to be higher in temperature compared to his friend.

"Look! I'm you!" Izuku said excitedly as he unraveled his scarf and threw it out towards Katsuki, giggling at his own joke.

Aizawa chuckled as Izuku ran around Bakugou to "capture" the blonde in the scarf. Katsuki was confused at first furrowing his eyebrows but he quickly unfurrowed them and said a quick "ah" as he realized what Midoryia meant.

"Me! My turn!" Bakugou spoke up and stole Midoryia's scarf right off him.

Aizawa let the boys play around as he got dressed in his own jacket. Midoryia spun around as Bakugou wrapped him in the scarf, successfully binding him tightly as he had once seen Aizawa do when saving them from a fall.

"Come on now, the sooner we get to the corner store, the sooner we can have breakfast," Aizawa told them as he unwound the scarf from Midoryia and placed it back properly.

"Why?" Izuku asked.

"We ran out of milk and I want to make pancakes when we get home," Aizawa explained as he helped the green-haired boy put his shoes on, Bakugou following his lead and putting on shoes.

"Oh that's right because I don't like syrup with no milk," Izuku said, confusing Aizawa because he wasn't quite sure what that meant, waving it off as kid logic.

"Pancakes pancakes pancakes!" Izuku chanted as he tried to open the door, delighted to have his favorite breakfast again.

Aizawa opened the door and they were instantly met with the cold chill from outside. It was mid-February and the unpredictable winter decided to show up today after yesterday's storm. The outside had a grey look to it due to the wave of clouds above them, not a single splotch of blue to be seen. At the very least, Aizawa appreciated that they weren't rain clouds. Still, the weather made him uneasy because today of all days was Valentine's Day. It felt like a bad omen to his relationship or rather a reflection of its current state.

Cold and gloomy.

"Can we see Big Brother Sho when breakfast is done again?" Midoryia asked, snapping Aizawa away from his negative thoughts.

"Maybe later, Shoto is at a doctor's appointment this morning," Aizawa explained, he had planned for it but Taishiro informed him of the change of schedule.

"Sho hurt?!" Izuku asked, skidding to a halt and clasping his hands together in worry.

"Hurt?" Bakugou reiterated, looking up at the man's eyes with a panicked expression.

"No, not at all. Shoto just needs a check-up. You guys saw his eye, they just need to make sure it's healing right," Aizawa explained and the boys seemed to calm at the answer.

"Oh," Midoryia said simply, still a little unhappy at the thought.

Aizawa didn't blame them. The man knew it was irrational but he was also worried for Shoto, even if he wasn't fostering him himself. The burn probably destroyed the tear duct in that eye and if it heals it might tighten and shrink the skin which could lead to him having that eye narrowed. Aizawa shook his head to get rid of those thoughts, Taishiro was taking care of Shoto. He had his own kids to worry about. And speaking of which, the blonde one looked like he had a problem.

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