Ch 4. Seeing Sam

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"Are we here yet Dean?" Delilah asked him after he parked his Impala near by some dorms. She just woke up from an hour nap, and she was still kind of tired.

"Yes, we're here." Dean answered her. "You ready to see Sam?"

"Yes, but this late at night Dean?"

"Yes sweetheart." Dean said as they both get out of his Impala and started going to the dorms. "Let's go."

It took a few minutes to find Sam's dorm room, in which Dean and Delilah broke into. Well Dean wanted to see if Sam still it, skills with fighting maybe.

After hearing Sam getting up and walking around Dean started fighting his little brother in the dark. Delilah wasn't going to get in the way, especially after Dean decided to do with Sam.

"Whoa easy tiger." Dean said to Sam, actually on top of his brother.

"Dean?" Sam asked him, kind of surprised to see him. "You scared the crap out of me."

"That's because you're out of practice." Dean said, causing Sam to get Dean on the floor, switching places. "Or not. Get off of me."

Dean and Sam got up off the floor, Delilah slowly started to walk over to them. Wondering if Sam would recognize her too.

"What are you doing here?" Sam asked his older brother while they were getting up off the floor.

"Oh I was looking for a beer, and I have someone with me that we hadn't seen in a long damn time." Dean tells Sam. "Well, actually, it's been four years."

"Sam?" A girl with blonde hair wearing a shirt with Smurfs and pink shorts asked while turning on the light, causing both of the brothers to look at the blonde.

"Jess, hey."

Then Delilah comes out and stands next to Dean's side. Kind of scared Sam again, but he recognized her from childhood and remembered one of the last times he saw her, giving her a hug and walking back in Bobby's place after saying he's going to miss her. The very last time they seen Delilah was at her dad's funeral.

"Delilah?" Sam asked her and she nodded. The younger brother walked over to the blonde hair girl and put an arm around her. "Dean, Delilah, this is my girlfriend Jessica. Dean is my older brother and Delilah is our friend from childhood."

"Wait, your brother Dean and friend Delilah." Jessica said and Delilah waved, being a little bit shy.

Dean was thinking about saying something about Jessica's shirt but he's decided against it since Delilah was there and wanted Delilah instead. Dean puts arm around Delilah hips and looks at Sam. "Well Sam we need to talk." Dean tells Sam and turns to Jessica. "Anyways I got to borrow your boyfriend here, so we can talk about some private family business, but it was nice meeting you."

"No, what you want to say, you can say it in front of her." Sam said.

"Okay um Dad hasn't been home in a few days." Dean tells Sam and Delilah stayed quiet. Then Sam said something about their dad working overtime sometime, not getting it. "Dad's on a hunting trip and haven't been home in a few days."

Sam then figured it out what Dean was telling him. "Jess excuse us."

Sam puts on a hoodie, then the brothers and Delilah walked out of Sam's dorm, and started heading down to the Impala. Going downstairs as Dean leads the way.

"I mean come on, you guys can't just break in, in the middle of the night." Sam tells Dean and Delilah. "And expect me to hit the road with you guys."

"It was Dean's idea." Delilah said softly.

"I heard that sweetheart." Dean tells her in a kind low voice. "But you're not hearing me Sammy. Dad's missing, I need to you help us find him."

"You remember the poltergeist in Amherst, or the devil's gates in Clifton?" Sam asked Dean. "He was missing then too. He's always missing, and he's always fine."

"Not for this long." Dean said to Sam as Delilah and himself turned to the younger brother. "Now, are you coming with us or not?"

"I'm not."

"Why not?"

"I swore I was done with hunting for good." Sam tells Dean. This kind of surprised Delilah, not really knowing this fact about the younger Winchester. "And why is Delilah with you?"

"Because she wants to help and we're catching up on some things." Dean tells Sam as they get off the stairs. "But come on, it wasn't easy, and it wasn't that bad."

"Yeah? When I told dad I was scared of the thing in my closet, he gave me a 45." Sam said.

"What was he supposed to do?"

"I was nine years old." Sam said. "He was supposed to say don't be afraid of the dark."

"Don't be afraid of the dark? Are you kidding me?" Dean asked Sam. Delilah is on Sam's side on this debate of the being afraid of the dark. "You should be afraid, you know what's out there."

"Still, the way we grew up after mom was killed and dad's obsession with the thing that killed her. But we still haven't found the damn thing. So we kill everything we can find. Hell, Delilah didn't really have to grow up that like most of the time."

"And we save a lot of people doing it too. But at least Diego thought her how to fight before he passed." Dean tells him and Sam socffs. Delilah just looks at both of the brothers as they talked.

"I figured that. But you think mom would have wanted this for us?" Sam asked the older Winchester as they walked outside to the Impala. "The weapon training and melting the sliver into bullets? Man, Dean, we were raised like warriors.

"So what are you going to do? Are you gonna live some normal, apple pie life?" Dean asked Sam. "Is that it?"

"No, not normal." Sam answered. "Safe."

"And that's why you ran away."

"I was just going to college. It was dad who said if I was gonna go, I should stay gone. And that's what I'm doing."

"Dad's in real trouble right now, if he's not dead already. I can feel it."

Sam thinks and sighed, knowing his older brother doesn't want to do this without him. "What was he hunting?"

Dean opened both parts of the trunk, showing different weapons, salt, sliver bullets, etc. Delilah looks at the different things as Dean trying to find  some papers to show Sam.

"So when dad left, why didn't you go with him?" Sam asked Dean.

"I was working my own gig, this voodoo thing down in New Orleans. And I found Delilah in a bar around there and one thing led to another, and now she's here helping me."

"Did you guys have sex?" Sam asked his older brother, knowing Dean has a thing for their friend.

"No, we were talking and looking at old photos of us." Dean answered his younger brother. "And I stayed the night at her apartment."

Dean saying that made her blush and Sam asked Dean that, she didn't know how to feel about that. But she still likes Dean, a lot. As Dean started said talking about the case with Sam, Delilah started to feel weird.

Then Delilah started having a vision, one about a young guy picking up a woman in white dress and the woman saying "I can never go home." The vision stopped and the brothers looked at her, they started to get a little worried.

"Are you okay sweetheart?" Dean asked her and she nodded as he wrapped his arms around her, worried about her.

"Yeah, I just had a vision." Delilah said softly and Dean pulls her closer to his body, just in case.

"About what?" Sam asked.

"About a young guy picking up a woman wearing a dress and she said I can never go home."

The brothers looked at each other then back at their childhood friend. Knowing something was not right, then Dean  figured it out before Sam could, the vision Delilah had was about the case.

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