Ch 3. And The Journey Begins

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Around eight in the morning

Delilah slowly started waking up, still wrapped in Dean's arms, slowly opening her chocolate chip brown eyes. She remembered what happened last night, the nightmare she had and Dean was trying to calm her down by cuddling with her.

She felt safe and comfortable in Dean's arms, not wanting to get up and get ready for the day. Dean was very comfortable and pulled Delilah closer to him, he already was half awake. Delilah looks up at Dean, causing him to smirk at her.

"Morning sweetheart." Dean said, causing Delilah to blush. "Are you doing okay since that nightmare?"

"Yeah, I'm doing better." Delilah said softly. "Just sleepy, how about you?"

"Very comfortable. I slept like a rock." Dean answered her, making Delilah blush again. Dean smirks, knowing that he has a effect on his childhood friend, and happy that she's back in his life again. Even when she's in his arms, he doesn't want this moment to end.

'Damn she got more beautiful over time since the last time I saw her.' Dean thinks about Delilah. 'Son of a bitch.'

"So when are we going to hit the road?" Delilah asked Dean softly, starting to move around in his arms.

"I think anytime, sweetheart. But I'm getting hungry." He said before they got out of Delilah's bed.

A few hours later...

Delilah looks out the window as Dean drives his Impala on the highway with ACDC playing on the car radio. Delilah is starting to miss New Orleans and her kind of friends there.

"Are you good Delilah?" Dean asked her while keeping his eyes on the road.

"Yeah I think so." She whispered softly. "So when the last time you talked to Sam?"

"Two years." Dean answered. "I miss my little brother though and you too Delilah. I just miss you both."

"Same here Dean." She whispered softly while looking out the window as it was around one in the afternoon and she sees a sign as they entering another town in Mississippi. They left New Orleans around eleven am.

This is going to be a long road trip.

"Damn, I'm almost out of gas." Dean said in a low voice. "Tell me when you see a gas station sweetheart."

"Okay Dean." Delilah said softly before seeing one nearby. "I see one. Turn right here."

Then a few minutes later, Delilah was in the gas station as Dean filled up on gas for his Impala. Some guy older than herself and Dean, sees Delilah and watches her, licking his lips. Delilah took noticed and got uncomfortable.

"Hey pretty lady, do you want to come home with me?" The guy asked Delilah.

"No, I don't know even know you." Delilah said softly. "I'm with someone."

She walked away from the guy going to the cashier. The guy was still watching her, she felt more uncomfortable, she got a idea.

"Like what? A boyfriend?"

"Yes I'm with my boyfriend and he's outside right now waiting on me." Delilah tells the guy and he walks away, getting her a chance to buy stuff.

Then she walked back over to the Impala, Dean was leaning against his car. Delilah was less uncomfortable than she was in the gas station.

"Ready to go?" Dean asked her.

"Yeah, I'm ready." Delilah said softly as they get in the car.

"So did something happen in there?" Dean asked her as he about to drive.

"Yeah this guy was flirting and watching me, so I lied saying I have a boyfriend."

"What?! Delilah?!"

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