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Minji was in her office to finish a few things regarding her newest project. It was already night but she seems to not leaving her work anytime soon.

But then, she was distracted when her phone lit up by a notification while its sound echoes through the room.

Minji's eyes squinted and narrowed to see the unexpected name of the sender. It was her ex. One that hasn't been in contact for about two years.

Wait.. was it three? Whatever. Minji grabbed her phone, completely pushing away her works to read the message.

"Can we meet?" The message read.

Minji hesitated for a while. A bunch of questions clouding her mind.

"Out of sudden?"

"After so many months, why now?"

"What might be the reason?"

Minji's fingers tapped across the keyboard, finally replying to the message. "Sure, tomorrow at 5 pm. Come to the cafe in front of my office building. I won't stay for long."

Minji was about to put her phone away when another notification came in.


Time skip
[4.47 pm]

Minji rearranged her paperworks. Putting them back in place before made her way to leave her office. She still has a few more minutes before 5 pm.

As she walked through the lobby, she was greeted and received respect bows from her workers.

Finally leaving the building, Minji crossed the road to reach the opposite side. Opening the door of the cafe, Minji looked around to find the figure she was supposed to meet.

Or, one she thought she would see, Y/n.

But when she looked around, she didn't find the latter. Until someone called her.


Minji turned towards the direction, only to meet Danielle. Y/n's sister. Minji's head tilted slightly. What might be the reason for Danielle to show up instead of Y/n?

Danielle pointed at the empty seat in front of her, asking Minji to have a seat. Danielle must have been sensed the palpable confusion in Minji's eyes that she quickly addressed her reasons.

"Ah.. you might be wondering why I am here, right?"

Minji nodded her head slowly.

Danielle felt a huge lump in her throat as she tried to find the right word to begin with. "Well..." Danielle took a sip of her drink, "I don't want to waste your time at all. And if I explained it myself, I am afraid I might cry..." Danielle explained, her voice cracked at the end.

Danielle grabbed a huge box from the seat beside her and handed it to Minji. "Here, I'm sure they are yours." Danielle managed to flash a smile amidst the flooding sadness in her heart. "I just want you to know that Y/n really loved you," her voice was low, as if she was about to break soon. "And Y/n was so sorry for everything..."

Minji felt her heart wrenched. She thinks of something, but quickly pushed it away. "No way.. it's not what I'm thinking.. right?"

"Dani.. what-did something happened?"

Tears welled in Danielle's eyes. As if it is enough for Minji to understand the depth of her sadness. Danielle buried her face in the palm of her hands.

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