💓Overload: A-90 x Curious Light (Comfort/Fluff)💓

136 1 23

A-90 is Female
Curious Light is Male
(Requested by SoftSilkCloud)

I'm pretty sure that, once in your life, you had tons of stuff to do all at the same time, and it must've been a burden, wasn't it?

Well, if you never really had the chance to experience that, congratulations! It's worse than failing your favorite subject, but anyways.

You would often want to kill yourself after having to enfmddure such situations, but imagine having to do these every single day.

That's Curious Light for you, and despise being a rip-off version of Guiding Light, Curious Light is actually the entity that works the most, having to maintain two realms at order, and it's been driving him insane.

Everyone has noticed how burnt out Curious Light is, but he keeps saying he's fine, despite the fact his health is deteriorating every hour, and this has led to every entity worry about him.

"For the gazillionth time, Y'all. I'm completely fine! I can handle all of this sh*t on my own, ok? Don't worry." Curious Light said, after being confronted by some of the entities.

"No you're not, Curious. You have to keep two worlds at order at the same time, and it's killing you! You need help, and you know that!" Seek confronted, his pupil becoming slightly red with anger.

"Keep on theorizing, fortune tellers. I already said I'm fine, and you can keep on believing I'm not. I won't stop you." Curious Light sternly returned, snapping his fingers and teleporting out of the room.

"Oh my God man... This stubborn motherf*cker just won't budge! We need to help him somehow!" Lookman said, concerned.

"We know! But how can we do it?" A-120 asked, his smile replaced by a frown.

"I have no idea guys... Honestly, maybe we can give him some rest?" Rush proposed.

"He clearly won't accept laying on his bed until he recovers. We need a better plan." Ambush replied.

"Well, what's your better plan then?" A-90 asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Simple. We send someone to talk to him in private, and make him blurt it all out. But the question is who." Ambush said.

"Not bad, but just like you said, we need to choose the someone." Guiding Light agreed.

"Well, why can't that someone be you then?" Seek asked.

"Because I already tried doing that before, and it never worked?" Guiding Light innocently responded.

"Nevermind." Seek responded, frowning his eye.

"Well, so who then?" A-120 asked the question again.

"Hmmm... I guess it could be one of you A-'s. He gets along better with you." Lookman requested.

"Seems fair to me." A-60 said.
"I don't see problem." A-90 responded.
"Alright." A-120 answered.

"Awesome! So, I'll hold a referendum, and we'll see which one of you will give him some good words." Guiding Light said.


After some minutes of voting; and calling out to everyone, thee results were:
11 votes for A-60
13 votes for A-90
7 votes for A-120

"Eh... Couldn't wish for any better..." A-90 sighed.

"Look on the bright side. At least he'll get better." Guiding Light brightly said, passing an arm behind A-90.

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