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Crumpled pieces of paper scattered across the floor, a pen nearly running out of ink, and an overfilled trash can.

Sae's room was completely trashed, paper littered everywhere, pens being thrown to the floor, and barely half-completed letters being scattered.

Sae was never a good writer, he didn't need to be. He played soccer, why the hell would he need good handwriting and writing skills in general?

Maybe this was the day he regretted not paying attention in English class, he started to regret every day he didn't perfect his handwriting and writing skills.

Every scrap of paper balled up and either thrown into the trash can or on the ground, wet ink staining the floors. That has most likely dried up by now, stains that'll be there forever.

T— Y/—N, scrapped,

T—o my l—ve, scrapped,

To —y o—e —nd o-ly, scrapped,

T—o my— g—iiirl, scrapped,

T-o mm—y Y/N, scrapped,

To my forever, not bad.

Ripped pieces of paper are scattered across the room, the ones he'd have to clean up.. Later.—

Shit, why did he fuck up the Y, start over.

"To my forever," is scrawled onto a paper, careful not to mess up his handwriting. Shaky hands lift a pen up and down, how do you write in cursive again?

He couldn't remember, but he could learn.

Too much paper wasted and three words on a paper, it was already dark out. He had never sweat so much over a letter, he had never tried to perfect his handwriting like this or his grammar. Why didn't papers like this have autocorrect...

Five hours later give or take, he was finally finished.. Well, with the letter. He was far from finished with everything else.

New, never-used origami paper delicately crafting paper stars. Packing peanuts were too basic or bubble wrap, what man did you take him for?

Most likely, all of them would be crushed because of shipping but he had hopes, hopes that at least a couple of them would be recognizable.

He had bought about ten packs of origami paper different colors of course, every single color you could think of. He had never made origami stars before, but he could learn.

Sleep wasn't much of a problem for him, sure he had stayed him till about 3AM, but what did that matter? He would just deal with it.

A small white gift box, enough paper stars to cover the bottom of the box, pictures of a cat, the same stray she made him pick up. A small Rilakkuma keychain plush placed near the side of the box, an envelope with a letter inside adorned with an auburn colored seal. And finally, the rest of the paper stars on top.

Wrapping a maroon colored bow over the gift box, and carefully holding it as if it were a baby.

Getting into his car, making sure to put the seatbelt onto the gift box.

And driving to the mailers, as quickly as possible without any damage to the box at all. Making sure to drill into the mailers mind that it was fragile.


A couple of days later, a knock at her door.

A package at her front door, a package adorning the same maroon bow with the same white gift box.

She looks around before taking the package inside, what if there was a bomb in here?

Slowly, unwrapping the ribbon doing it as slowly and gently as possible. It was a really nice ribbon.

She opens up the box, possibly waiting for a bomb or something.

Only to be greeted with paper stars (over half of them broken, but that didn't matter.), an envelope with a small auburn colored seal, pictures of a familiar stray cat, and lastly a Rilakkuma keychain plush.

It's hard to say this gift wasn't tailored to her exact tastes.

Immediately the first thing she grabs is the Rilakkuma plush keychain, for a moment she squishes it before gently placing it back in the box.

She views the polaroid photos, expertly taken. She puts the photos back into the box.

Lastly, she examines the letter being careful not to rip anything. Slowly peeling off the small auburn colored seal, and revealing the contents of the letter...

" To my forever,

  Hi Y/N, how have you been? I hope well. I've never written a letter before so I have little to no experience, I'm really sorry. I know this is sudden and you don't want to hear this from me, but I'm in love you with you. Y/n I'm in love with you, I can't keep denying my feelings for you. I don't know how my feelings came to be, but I know I love you and why I love you. I love everything about you not to be cheesy or anything, but seriously the way you always brighten up my day and everyone around you, the way you smile at me, the way you speak to me and others, I seriously don't know. But I do know I love you. You don't have to reciprocate my feelings, I don't think I truly deserve your love or affection at all. I know you hear this from others a lot, because of how genuinely amazing you are. I love you and I think I'll love you forever. Forever a long time but I want to spend my forever with you, Y/n. If you'll let me, please let me be your boyfriend. I want to be a part of your past, present, and future. I want to see it all, with you and only you. I want to experience new things, not alone and not with anyone else but you. I want you to be my forever. I've never been good at "feelings" but I know I want you, even if it's just to stand next to you or stand behind you. I'm okay with anything as long as I'm near you, Y/n. I've never loved someone like I love you and I truly want you to be someone next to me. And even if you can't or don't want to be next to me, that's okay with me. Please just stay near me, Y/n. Please stay with me forever, I want to be with you for the rest of my life and even after my life, I love you, Y/n.

From your Itoshi Sae. "

This, this is everything that their relationship had amalgamated into.

did i cook w this one ?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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