A,T,O,M. awakens

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The snow bird looked at the strange shiny blues crystals in a pattern almost like a heart, in the middle was a green dot of some kind.
Animals like the gravel otters were arriving on the gravel Beach.
Then a devil wolf appeared on a cliff ledge above the strange coffin of metal.
The snow bird jumped back in fear right on the green dot.
The button sunk in the pentagon hole, a humming sound was heard, then a loud audible creaking then a violet screeching was heard across the dark island.
The humming turned to loud groans.
The metal lid was torn off violently, the blue soft material scattered as if made of ceramic.
The bird flew away, the many eyes hidden in the forest watched as a giant at least 10 ft tall made of white and gray with a bluish heart in the center of its chest turn on it's half circular head separated from the main body and a small tube was underneath it connecting it to main body like a neck and slowly two right white circles opened eyes and a thin blue line appeared like a mouth but it would never move at least not yet anyways The head would begin the spin 360° over and over at least 15 times anyways.
It's long arms practically hang right above the knees and in the end it stopped it's arms and legs being the shrink down at least to perhaps 5 ft 9 in tall an average human height it stood there The animals had hidden away from this white metal monster standing there on the beach looking out at the ocean silly it turned its head then its body and it turn its head looking up and it's all the cliff edge and above it a vast force with black wisp hovering around it the same black wisp that tried to latch onto it last time. It appeared again, The metal creature watched the dark wisp in the moment it touched the creature it fizzled away as if evaporating destroying then the metal creature look the left then right down the gravel beach and then after facing them cliff ledge again it turned to the right and began to walk down the gravel beach...

Trying to learn more about this new life it had and who they were.

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