The Army Base

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About a week after the confrontation between the Millers and the two women. The large group was on the road, making their way to the army base that was set near the border with South-Carolina and Georgia. Many military companies had been detached from all over the united states to take on the hotspot that was Atlanta. They were overrun within a day, many soldiers dispersed into Georgia and were not seen again. As Louise rounded a hill to look over the landscape, she could see the barbed wire fence of the base. It looked like a prison, high walls, guards towers, old military trucks standing at the ready to detach and drive off. It looked... undisturbed.

James walked up next to her, exhaling deeply as he felt his barely recovered leg burn from the exertion.

"You walk like a city girl." He huffed, "Like you are going to miss a layover with the train."

"I want to get there before nightfall, so we can rest and eat in peace." Louise said, looking behind her. A few biters had trailed behind them, Claudia turned around to take care of them.

"Let's get rid of those lame heads first before we move on." Louise said, joining Claudia to take care of the undead. The two women looked at each other as they cleaned up the stalkers, Claudia had barely seen Louise all day since the young woman had been leading from the front with one of the teens who knew the area. They had been mapping out points of reference on a make-shift map as they approached the base.

"Should we just knock on the door?" Louise asked Claudia as they rounded the hill and followed the group, Claudia linked arms with Dorothy who was having trouble making it down the hill.

"The fence might be charged with electricity..." Claudia said, pointing ahead. "Look at those rods, there is electricity on those, high voltage."

"Who on earth still has power in the apocalypse?" Louise exclaimed.

"Government buildings, the CDC and these types of bases." James said. "They are the designated survivors, especially if the White House were to fall."

Louise nodded her head, "We could've gone to the CDC... get some info on all of this shit." She mumbled.

"CDC is a cesspit of Biters." Georgie said, he was one of the teens that had rolled into the group two weeks prior. "Army tried to beat down the first wave... but failed." The kid said. "Dad did not return from Atlanta, either." He mumbled, casting down his eyes. Louise walked up to him, putting her arm around his shoulders and pulling him along across the hill and to the last stretch of fields that were between them and the group.

As they approached, they saw what Claudia had meat when she had pointed out that the fence might be electrified. Tons of twitching and groaning Undead lay at the gates, being fried alive by the high current that ran through their dead veins.

"DON'T TOUCH THE FENCE." A voice boomed out from a speaker that sat atop the guard tower. "NO SUDDEN MOVES, WE HAVE SNIPERS ON THE ROOF!" the voice continued.

"Great..." Louise grunted, raising her hands and stepping away from the fence, kicking off a biter who reached for her ankles.

A door slammed somewhere in the compound and a men in military uniform walked out. He must've been in his early-thirties, with piercing blue eyes and greying black hair.

"Who are you people?" he asked, his eyes gliding over the troupe of survivors.
"We are looking for refuge, we came from Atlanta, we have not place to stay." James began, slightly twisting the story. "We have children and elderly people, we need help."

The guy on the other side of the fence looked at the two teens and Louise who stood at the ready, their faces less then friendly as they glared the man down.

"Any of you got bit?" he asked.

"No." Louise answered directly, "Just minor scrapes and bruises... we have a little girl who needs extra attention though."

The man's eyes narrowed in on the young woman, looking at her with an expression of curious suspicion.

"Take the power off." the man spoke into his Walkie. The lights on the guard tower went off, and the sizzling stopped.

The man grabbed the fence, dragging it open with some help from James.

"Follow me." He said, inviting the strangers in. He waved at his men to stay down.

Louise looked back as the power went back on and electrocuted two Biters who had stalked behind them.

"Come on." James said, taking Louise by the arm and dragging her inside the compound. Louise followed hesitantly, taking in her environment as they walked into the clean, lit compound.

Louise carefully put her hand on James's arm, gently pulling herself loose from his grip. She walked around her group, taking in the confines where they were. It was a large main hall, with two stairs, one led to an upstairs area with rooms and a landing that led into a large meeting room. At the ground floor there was a large door that led into a small canteen, which was connected to a large den where there was a large bookcase and an old fruit machine. People could lounge around on a few large chaises and sofa's.

"Rooms and showers are upstairs, I'll warn the others you are here." The lieutenant said, pointing upstairs.

"There's others?" Claudia asked. Turning around to face the man.

"Yes, a group of five arrived just the other day." He said, scanning the group. "Don't take the room closest to the meeting room, that one is mine. The rest sleeps on the other side of the meeting room. So all of these rooms are yours."

Claudia rushed up the stairs, busting open the door to see a small, clean, cool room with a made bed and a window that looked into a plaza. She threw her stuff on the floor and jumped onto the bed. Kicking her legs in relief and happiness.

Louise ran up the stairs, smashing into the room next to Claudia's and following suit.

"Showers are at the end of the hallway, don't use all the hot water." The lieutenant said as he walked away.

"HOT WATER!?" Claudia exclaimed ecstatically.

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