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Atlas and Athena's 24th Birthday Bash

Atlas and Athena's 24th Birthday Bash

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Elhora sits in the passenger seat of Eclipsa's Mercedes as her stomach twists and turns forming knots. She places her palms on her jean covered thighs and looks over at her sister who was finishing the last touches of her make-up.

"I'm nervous all of a sudden." She admits looking over at the entrance of the community center. Her hazel green eyes take in all the blue and silver balloons pinned perfectly above the entrance followed by the navy blue banner with silver words that spelled out

Happy 24th Athena and Atlas!

Elhora pouts, completely forgetting that Atlas was indeed a twin which meant that she'd most likely cross paths with his twin throughout the night since she too was being celebrated for another year around the sun.

"I don't know why, you talk to him every day." Eclipsa puckers her lips then wipes the corners, making sure that her deep orchid shade of lipstick was aligned perfectly with her luscious lips. She then turns and looks at her younger sister who had tears threatening to spill from her eyes.

"Ellie omg chill. It's a simple party, if you get too overwhelmed just call me and I'll come and get you." Elhora turns in her sit and looks at her sister with wide eyes.

"Y-Your're not coming w-with me?" The pit of her stomach begins to spin, feeling her lunch threatening to travel back up her throat.

"Tuh no, why would I?" Eclipsa wasn't fond of anyone younger than her other than Ellie which didn't count since that was her sister. As a woman pushing on thirty, being surrounded by young adults who's frontal lobe had yet to fully develope was not her cup of tea. Not to mention, the way Atlas found himself captured by her alluring eyes let her know all she needed to know about him.

He was weak and under her spell from a simple look and due to her being a woman who took others feelings into consideration on occasion, she didn't want to ruin his birthday from her presence nor the bond that was slowly forming between him and her sister.

"I have a date." She lies, finally closing her sun visor. Elhora crosses her arms and pouts once again.

"Oh my goodness, girl if you don't grow up and go enjoy yourself. I don't know why you're stressing when he invited you. He obviously wants you to have a good time." Elhora slowly nods and tucks her flat ironed hair behind her ears. She meets her sister's gaze then looks in the backseat at the gift she had brought Atlas a few days ago. Surprisingly enough the wrapping paper went perfect with the color scheme of the party.

A metallic blue paired with silver; it took her an hour and two paper cuts to wrap his gift to perfection. She reaches for his gift and lays it up on her lap as her eyes wander back to the entrance where the sounds of music and cheers mix together spilling from the open double doors.

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