An unsafe situation

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"Mrs. Shackleton,your daughter beat up another child." The principal told my mother. "Ernestine,why would you do this?" She continued. "Well first,Monica insulted my dead father! But when I react,oh heavens! I'm the bad guy now!" I screamed,really wanting to do round two. "Ernestine!" The principal said,standing up. "You are suspended for the rest of the week." Monica had a face of pride. "And you for three days,Monica." It was a Tuesday,so Monica and I were basically suspended for the same amount of time.

The day after tomorrow was painful. My mother was out,and came back home right after I managed to finish making her eggs and bacon. "Good morning mommy!" I cheerfully said. I poured her some coffee in an orange mug. I put the mug down on the table,and my mother sat down. I sat down my plate next to hers. "I'll make us breakfast whenever I can mom." I said. She smiled. "You're so nice honey." And she kissed my forehead.

At around 2 PM was when the nightmare began. We had got finished eating lunch,and I was coming down to play outside with Jake and Deliah. "Bye mom,I'm gonna okay with my best friends." Then a bottle was thrown across the room. I entered the kitchen,and saw my mother surrounded by empty bottles. I tripped and fell on a glass shard from a broken bottle,and it grazed my cheek. I ran out of the house,and found Deliah and Jake at the front of the store fighting over quarters with other kids. Well,Deliah was,and she seemed to be winning. And then I saw the mobsters making bets on the kids. Deliah ended up winning the quarter plus an extra quarter just for winning.

Deliah walked over to us with a look of pride. Then she noticed my cheek. "Yeesh! What happened to your cheek?" Jake asked. "I fell." I responded,putting my hand on the cheek. "Let's get you a bandaid." Deliah said,pulling a bandaid out of her first aid bag she always carried around. She wanted to be a doctor. "Thanks Deliah." I said. And my mother's drinking kept on getting worse. She didn't even appreciate me making her breakfast anymore! After a couple weeks,I stopped bothering to make her breakfast. I just handed her the alcohol at that point.

I began getting really concerned. But the more my mother kept drinking,the more the mob was in high spirits. I kept seeing it on their smug little faces. Whenever I saw them out in public after my mother had hit me,I saw a tiny smirk. I was so positive they intended for my mother to go into a big depression,and for her to take her grief out on me.

Soon I told the counselor at school. She said she would look into it. But for now,I wasn't safe in that house. But the straw that broke the camels back happened when I overheard a group of mobsters talking. They were talking about my mom. "Oh I totally rocked Ms. Shackleton last night! Didn't even put up a fight! Passed out on the carpet." I heard one brag.

That was it. I looked at my bag of potato wedges. I silently vowed that after this bag,I would never eat a potato wedge until I got vengeance.

The Not-So Modest Revenge of ErnestineWhere stories live. Discover now