Chapter 1 - Twitter

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    "Hello I'm Rose,  

   I'd like to introduce my self with just a few things. My name's Rose Quip, i'm from and currently reside in Austin, Texas. I graduated college with an art major and a minor in film. In the actual practice of using my editing skills would happen to be.. small? For lack of a better word, I currently edit some of my friends videos. I'm trying to teach him so he can do it himself :/. But I'm willing and ready to learn if need be! Thanks for possibly considering me.  

     Sincerely, Rose Quip"

     I read over the email once more and then added, "also if ever this is needed I know German. I have no idea what I was thinking in 8th grade..." 

    I added that then decided it was meh. Not the best, not the worst. So I sent it and then went back to my oil painting someone commissioned for me for like a hundred bucks. It was fairly small, but still tedious and a lengthy process.

    After about two hours of painting I decided to check my ask box, it was just an anonymous asking how to put in a commission. So I check my email after to find I had a few. Not bothering to read the subjects.
   Reply - Job application;
   I scrolled back up when I saw 'Reply'. It was from the job application I sent earlier. I was surprised normally it takes a day or two to get a reply asking you to come in for an INTERVIEW for the job. These guys were fast, I liked it. I read it out loud due to slight shock.

    "Hi Rose! Thanks for the application! You have the skills that we're looking for and have experience too, even if it is small. Our other editor Barry could help you learn if need be. But if you could, we would like to have you the office for a week or two so you can meet everyone, and get used to the space.

  - Arin Hanson
Also, German huh? Interesting."

   I sat there stunned. Surely there were others who applied. But they picked me, really quickly too. Well I guess I'll email them back? As I mindlessly typed hearing the clicks of my keyboard I kept typing quietly in my room. About five minutes later I was done.

  'Oh wow thanks for replying so fast! It's quite a reliever to know that I get a 'trial' one could say. But like, seriously thank you for the opportunity to work with you! I'm pretty excited! But so, where do I need to go? And when?
~ Rose'

   I sent it, and went back to my painting area and got started on my next commission just a pencil drawing of their dog for ten dollars. It was a cute dog too, I'll write a note on the back. Thirty minutes later my back slightly ached from being hunched over for so long (A/N this actually happens to me. It's bad ;-;). I stretched and walked back to my room and noticed its around 1:25 pm and I hadn't eaten yet. So I grabbed my keys and checked my computer once more. There was another email. Damn, this guy is REALLY fast. Reading it out loud again it reads, 

   "No problem! I'm glad I could relieve some anxiety there. And yeah, a trial is a good way to put it! As for where you'll need to go, LA California. And when, maybe Thursday or Friday?"

- Arin"

  "Thursday or Friday..." I said slightly in a daze.

   As I was in my car driving to P. Terry's I kept repeating it out loud in my car.
"Thursday.... or Friday..." I said while driving. I'll have to buy a ticket, pack clothes, tell people that commissions are on hold for a while.
    There was a line so I was able to think about what I would need for a little. Clothes, my laptop, maybe my tablet, sketchbook. Maybe I should pack some paper and pens? Or is that too much? Oh, I cou- I was jarred out of my thoughts because I heard, "Hello welcome to P. Terry's how may I help you?" Said the woman on the intercom.
    I told her my order and drove forward. When I got to the front I was in thought again when I heard a shriek? 

I sat up instantly and said "Oh no who's hurt? What happened??" looking around in my car. But it was the server, she was giggling and smiling like crazy. What. Is. Happening?

"Hi! I'm Emily! I follow you on EVERYTHING! I love your art work, and I finally commissioned something!" She said excitedly.

"Oh, hi! Thanks it means a lot to me actually. And what did you commission? Wait was it a dog?" I Asked, a little weirded out. This was the first time I had been recognized in public. I had no idea how to react to this.

"I did! Her name is Thorn. Can I get a picture with you??" She asked holding her phone. I didn't see anything wrong with it.

"Sure!" I said smiling. I opened my door a bit and we took a selfie. She gave me my food and I gave her a hug.

On my way home my phone buzzed. I would check it but the laws of the land say otherwise. So I leave it be until I get home. Not even two minutes later my phone starts to buzz repeatedly.

"Okay, seriously what the hell??" I said. Beyond confused I pulled into a parking lot and looked at my phone. My Twitter feed was blowing up. 

   The first one was, '@datEmilyChickTho ; OMG I JUST MET THE COOLEST ARTIST EVER! She was super nice too! @EveryRoseHasHerThorn'  then attached was the picture we took. She was wearing her uniform while I'm wearing an old over sized hoodie. Nice Rose, I thought. Looking closer I noticed I had paint on my nose. I face palmed, I'm always like this around paint. It gets EVERYWHERE, and more likely all over me. After internally screaming I checked more of my twitter feed. 

   "@GameGrumps ; Our possible new editor is coming soon! Hopefully you lovelies will like her! See you soon @EveryRoseHasHerThorn"
I was very confused. Game grumps? Who? I guess that's Arin...?

   After spending 5 or so minutes being hella confused as to what 'game grumps' is I replied to their tweet.

   "@EveryRoseHasHerThorn ; looking forward to it! " with a smile for good measures.

    After reading a few more tweets I decided I should probably get home and actually eat. I put my phone away and tried to make it home a little faster than normal. I still have to pack, buy tickets, get a hotel room, ask Arin about the address. Too much stuff, so little time. 

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