Chapter 14 - Morning Coffee

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  Hey guys. So. How is everyone? I hope that everyone is okay and in a good mood! 

  I honestly don't know what to write here. I just have little butterflies dancing around my stomach and chest, it feels nice. Like warm fuzzies :) The reason for this is... Drum roll please! *drum rolls*

  This story has over TWO HUNDRED READS. Like, omg. I feel so honored you guys! :D So I just wanted to say,

   Thank YOU!

 Not just the mass of you guys, YOU! *points at screen* You in particular. Thanks for seeing my book and thinking, 'Hey, this looks interesting!' So thank you. I never ever EVER thought I would get like, 20 reads. So, I guess you can imagine the fan girling and gratitude I'm being overwhelmed by. So Thank you, for reading my little summer project. I'm having A LOT of fun writing this! And i'd love to know what you guys think of it, so before I talk your ears off. Thank you, genuinely. I love all of you! <3 I hope you guys enjoy the story! 


  (I know I just talked to you guys, sorry :/! But, i'm gonna skip Rose asking Suzy about a reliable store to buy stuff at, SHE IS IN THIS CHAPTER THOUGH! I love Suzy and I've been wanting to put her in the story. I've like, written this chapter 8 times over trying to incorporate her. AND I HAVE SUCCEEDED![kinda])

  Suzy and I were having a conversation when Barry walked over and asked if I wanted to go on a coffee run with him I said sure. I could feel the fluttery feeling and the nervousness that tags along with it, build up. I couldn't tell if I was blushing though, and if I was it was probably a light blush. I hope. I saw Suzy smile out of the corner of my vision, I turned and looked at her with one of my eyebrows raised in a questioning glance. She shook her head and quietly laughed. 

  She pointed at her cheeks, and I put my hand to my own. They were warm, like really warm. I was blushing. Fun.

  "So, what's up with the blushing? It's just coffee." She said slyly. She knew why I was blushing, I put my hands to my face. 

  "I might have a crush on Barry i'm not sure but from my blushing I guess I do.." I quickly mumbled out. I saw Suzy turn her head and put a hand to her ear. I giggled slightly and lowered my hands. I looked around, I was fine with Suzy knowing. She's super chill, I really hope to become good friends with her.

  "I have a crush on Barry... And it's kind of embarrassing... I feel like an eighth grader right now" I said quietly. She smiled and shrugged.

  "Who's got a crush on who?" I heard from behind me. I jumped off the couch and stood up with my hand on my heart. It was Dan. I quietly and quickly put my finger to my lips in a 'shush' motion. I looked around him to see Barry looking for his keys. Dan looked behind him and saw Barry. He looked back at me smirking, oh no. 

  "Hey Rose, you ready to go?" Barry asked walking up to me. Oh jeez. I nodded and mumbled out an answer while picking up my sweater. Barry walked ahead of me, and as I walked past Dan he winked at me. He's going to make this hell. Fun. I looked at Suzy with a glance hopefully conveying 'HELP ME PLEASEEE...' She smiled and shrugged. Oh crap, i'm on my own against Dan.

  I jogged to catch up with Barry, before I closed the door I heard an iconic Dan laugh. I let out an irritated sigh before following Barry again. 

~~~Barry's POV~~~

  We were in the drive thru for Starbucks and the line was fairly long, so Rose and I sat in the car for what seemed like an eternity. I pulled out my phone and checking twitter and such medias. I heard a scratching sound of sorts, it was kind of relaxing to be honest. I looked over at Rose who had pulled out a sketchbook of sorts in her lap doodling. I looked over at what she was drawing.  It looked like a person looking at their phone, she was adding small details like the shirt and near background. I couldn't really tell who it was, but it looked like they were in a car.

  I looked back up at the drive thru and noticed the people in front had pulled up a bit. I followed along, and returned my attention back to Rose's drawing. But she was using her pencil in the air making an outline of sorts around my face. She stopped when I looked over, I think she started blushing a bit. She smiled nervously and returned to her drawing. Her hair fell into her face and she pushed it back behind her ear. She was drawing me on my phone, that's why the background looked familiar. I could feel a warmth spread across my face and on my ears. 

  After a few minutes we finally reached the window and got our drinks. Rose had put away her sketchbook and offered to hold the drinks so they wouldn't spill. Eventually, we put everything in the right places and started the drive back to space. 

  "So..." I started. It was a little awkward being in total silence. She turned her attention from the window to me. She raised a single eyebrow, she had really green eyes that looked like they were glowing in the dark. I could feel the blood rising to my face again.

  "So, how do you like working at the Space so far?" I asked, putting my attention back to the road. My face was warm, I bet I looked like a tomato. 

  "It's interesting. Defiantly a lot more work than I thought. But, nothing i'm not too surprised by." She explained, I could hear a smile in her voice. I smiled too, i'm glad that she was liking the Space. It's nice having someone to edit with. 

  "That's good. So, what where you doing this morning? You seemed really upbeat." I asked. Last night she looked ready to bawl her heart out, but this morning it was like nothing ever happened. Well, more like yesterday morning. It was nearly 12:30 AM. 

  "That? Oh, I found an op-" She started before she was cut off from a yawn. I could see she covered her mouth with her hand out of my peripherals. 

  "Sorry about that. I uhm, found an open apartment this morning. It was a good price and close to the Space. So I emailed the Land lord and got a meeting setup." She explained. I could hear the excitement in her voice again. Her excitement was contagious, because I felt excited for her too. 

  "That's awesome Rose! When's the meeting?" I asked. I felt a little sad, i'm not too sure why. I should be excited for her, so why do I feel like this is a bad thing?

  "Oh, I think they said on Saturday?" She said. I felt that little bit of darkness flutter back into light at that. I smiled and nodded. That's good that it's soon, right? I mean, she doesn't have to worry about finding a place. I still could feel that sadness deep in my chest, was I upset that she was leaving? 

  "So, how far are you? In editing?" She asked suddenly. I was near to being done, the episodes I had before weren't too crazy. These weren't too demanding either, but they still weren't going to be super easy. 

  "I have three or four more episodes to finish. You?" I asked. She was quiet it for a bit.

  "Same, I went to ask Suzy about reliable art stores and we talked for bit." She told me. I see. Well, hopefully we'll be finished around the same time.

 ~~~~~Time skip to when they finish editing~~~~~

 ~~~Rose's POV~~~

  Barry and I had both finished editing, and stayed at our computers wait for Dan. I was working on  the picture I had been working on in the car. I wish I could actually see Barry's face to finish this, it's difficult to draw someone by memory. Or at least, I find it fairly difficult. Instead, I just worked on the shading and details of his shirt and the background. 

  As I worked on it, I let my thoughts wander and organize themselves. The first thought to pop up was that, once Dan gets back he was going to tease me about Barry. It's going to be middle school all over again. Any time one of my friends obtained these feelings or thoughts, they would always tease me about it. It was always their goal to make me blush because it was almost effortless, sometimes just the mention of said crush I would bloom into an actual rose. Eventually I just kept it to myself, and they would drop it.  I frowned at that thought, I looked back my drawing. I had the faint outline of Barry's head, and the rest of the picture shaded. Well. I let out a small breath, this was going to annoy me till I finish this. 

  I sat back in my chair and stretched my arms in front of me. It was almost 3:00 again, where is Dan? I mean, I know that they stay up pretty late recording, but my word. I was about to lean forward to start a new drawing when I felt two hands slam down on my shoulders. I physically jumped at the suddenness of it. I looked behind me to find a giggling Dan. I rolled my eyes and started to grab my stuff. 

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