Chapter 9: Whispers

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A/N: Sorry for the wait, just had exam season and I ACED that bs. Also, just wanted to mention that since I chose Hazel to be the Triwizard champion, most chapters will be in her, Will's, or Nico's POVs from now on. There will still be chapters in the other's POVs, but a lot of this is about the tournament, so it'll mainly be those three. Thanks, and enjoy!


I had the same schedule as Hazel, so we spent most of our time together. Which meant I also heard the whispers about her. Gryffindors were being petty since both her and Harry were chosen. Ravenclaws thought she was going to lose because she was too young. Fellow Hufflepuffs were talking pretty openly about how she was 100% going to win and being pissed about Harry being chosen too. Slytherins were talking about how they thought that Harry was going to die(well, that was mainly Malfoy).

Problem was, Hazel hated the attention. To the point where she'd make herself invisible with some spell she and Annabeth found, so people wouldn't stare at her. Which made me look like an idiot whispering about the shitty school system to the air next to me. Either way, the first task was quickly approaching, and Hazel was as worried as ever.

    "Why did the cup even choose me?!" She whisper-yelled while we were walking out of the Potions classroom, finally visible.

    "Maybe because of your experience with magic?" I suggested. A few Gryffindors and Slytherins were gathered near the classroom already, since we had to stay behind a little later.

    "Still, why not-" she cut herself off, seeing Draco Malfoy and his entourage of Slytherins. Our friends in either house were nowhere to be seen, but Harry and his friends were having a sort of standoff with Malfoy's group.

    "Levesque!" Malfoy called out when he saw her. "C'mere, you're going to love this!"

    Hazel hesitantly stepped forward while I stayed back, still able to see the pin Malfoy showed her. On it were the words "SUPPORT HAZEL LEVESQUE, THE REAL HOGWARTS CHAMPION," and when Malfoy pressed it, it changed to "POTTER STINKS." I clenched my fists seeing this, but Hazel went a little further.

    I could see her face redden and her hand form a tight fist. She walked up closer to Malfoy, who clearly didn't get what was about to happen. Snatching the pin out of his hand, she punched him right in the balls.

    His "friends" started trying to help him while the Gryffindors and I were laughing our asses off. Harry was wheezing so hard, he looked like a baboon butt. Hazel just calmly started to drag me away, as our friend came up to the scene.

"What just happened?" Annabeth questioned, eyebrow raised.

Hazel shrugged. "I punched Malfoy in the balls."

That made Leo, Percy, and Piper to wheeze with laughter to, while Nico gave her a fist bump and Annabeth gave an approving nod. Leo literally fell to the floor, clutching his stomach before we could get them to calm down. Which is when we heard two jinxes being fired.

Annabeth was the first out of us to react, running towards Hermione, who seemed to be hit with a jinx from Draco's wand. It looked like he and Harry were trying to jinx each other, but the spells bounced off each other and hit their friends. Harry's hit one of Malfoy's huge bodyguard friends, who I didn't care to know the name of. Hazel also ran up to Hermione, the rest of us staying back to not crowd her.

She was covering her face, but I knew what had happened. Her two front teeth, which were already pretty big, were growing at a rapid rate. Shape walked out of his classroom and saw the commotion. He ordered Draco to take his friend to the hospital wing, and Harry and Ron argued, asking what about Hermione.

"I see no difference," said our teacher.


Long story short, Hazel, Annabeth, Piper, Percy, Harry, Ron, and I now had a couple of detentions for disrespecting a teacher. Which sucks, but whatever. Now, a bunch of people were talking about the confrontation, and that didn't help with Hazel's anxiety(or mine, for that matter). The whispers were hardly quiet anymore, and half of the Slytherins hated us, but it was worth it. The pins were still everywhere, though many were "suspiciously" changed to "MCSHIZZLE WUZ HERE," and were seen by plenty of people before the owner saw it. I don't even know how that was pulled off. Either way, the first task was getting closer and closer without Hazel know what it was. That is, until the tip off.

Almost forgot: 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️HAPPY PRIDE MONTH🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈

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