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Rome's heart raced with worry when he saw Phoenix panicking and bolting away. Initially, his concern was for their baby, but as he chased after her, his worry shifted entirely to her well-being.

He was utterly clueless as to why Aunt Zara was calling out Phoenix's name repeatedly, but he knew he had to find her.

Damn, she was surprisingly fast for a pregnant woman. Rome halted when he saw her stop ahead.

The road was deserted, as this was a private property. He watched as she ran into a corner, prompting him to follow suit.

As he approached her, he could hear her whimpering. He didn't know why, but seeing her cry pained him deeply.

Phoenix had always been strong, smiling, and sassy. In all the time he'd known her, he had never once seen her shed a tear. Witnessing her cry now tore at his heartstrings, filling him with an overwhelming sense of guilt and helplessness.

He approached her slowly, noticing her attempt to stand but her weakness preventing her from doing so.

"Phoenix," he called softly as he drew closer.

His concern deepened as her crying only seemed to intensify.

Kneeling in front of her, he saw her trying to hide her tear-streaked face. He knew better than to press her for answers.

"You're going to be okay," he reassured her, wrapping his arms around her and gently patting her back.

Her head rested against his chest, her tears soaking his shirt, but he didn't mind. All he wanted was for her to feel safe and comforted.

"You will be okay," he repeated, continuing to stroke her hair soothingly.

They remained in that position for a while, until her sobs subsided into sniffles.

"Should we go home now, or would you like to stay here a little longer?" he asked softly.

She didn't respond, so he reached for his phone to call his driver, ready to take her wherever she needed to go.

The driver arrived within minutes, and Rome leaned closer to Phoenix.

"Can you stand, or would you like me to carry you?" he asked gently, but she remained silent. Without hesitation, he lifted her into his arms.

His driver swiftly opened the car door, and Rome carefully placed Phoenix inside before sliding in beside her.

"Where to, sir?" the driver inquired.

"The house," Rome replied tersely.

"Okay, sir," the driver acknowledged before starting the engine and pulling away.

Rome glanced at Phoenix, who still hadn't uttered a word. He could tell that whatever had happened had deeply affected her. But he couldn't shake his curiosity. Who was Aunt Zara to Phoenix?

He let out a heavy sigh, turning his gaze back to the road ahead, lost in his thoughts.

When they arrived home, Rome attempted to ask Phoenix some questions, but as usual, she ignored him.

He followed behind her as she made her way into the house. Romeo was in the living room, and upon seeing them enter, he shot Rome a questioning look, clearly wondering why Phoenix seemed so moody.

Rome met his gaze and shrugged, silently conveying that he didn't know either.

He continued to trail after Phoenix until she reached her room, where she abruptly opened the door and closed it in his face.

THE BILLIONAIRE'S SURROGATE BABYWhere stories live. Discover now