chapter 1

91 1 0

"" - talking

** - thinking

[] - actions while talking or thinking

We open this story to see 6 year old Y/n laid down and restrained on a table with a doctor circling him.

Doctor " Don't worry this will work and you can go back to your parents ... Oh yeah I killed them well you'll be able to find a new home eventually. "

The doctor then started to insert tubes into Y/n's arms and chest, they he activated a machine pumping a liquid into Y/n as it did Ozpin :

The doctor then started to insert tubes into Y/n's arms and chest, they he activated a machine pumping a liquid into Y/n as it did Ozpin :

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and Ironwood :

run in and Ozpin points his cane at the doctor and Ironwood points a gun at him :

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run in and Ozpin points his cane at the doctor and Ironwood points a gun at him :

run in and Ozpin points his cane at the doctor and Ironwood points a gun at him :

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Ozpin " Release the boy doctor! "

Doctor " It's already done. "

Ironwood then hits the doctor with the back of his gun knocking him to the ground, then both Ironwood and Ozpin looked at the machine and tried to stop it but nothing happened.

Ironwood " [ aims his gun at the doctor ] How do we stop it? "

Doctor " You can't It can't be stopped once activated [ the machine runs out of liquid ] and now you wont be able to fix what I did. "

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