chapter 3

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Y/n and team RWBY were in Professor Goodwitch's class, they saw Jaune get beaten by Cardin :

Glynda " That's enough Cardin Jaune's aura is in the red meaning he losses, Jaune may I say in your fights please check your aura levels you haven't improved since you've been here

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Glynda " That's enough Cardin Jaune's aura is in the red meaning he losses, Jaune may I say in your fights please check your aura levels you haven't improved since you've been here. "

Jaune stood up and put his weapons and combat clothes away, he put on his school uniform and sat back down in the classroom.

Cardin " Professor Goodwith can I fight one more person? "

Glynda " You have just fought but who? "

Cardin " The child playing dress up in tiger armour which I have to ask why does your claws match Destwilder's? "

Everyone in the class looked at Y/n.

Y/n " Well when I was younger I saw Destwilder fighting Grimm he noticed that one of the Grimm were going to attack me and he stepped in the way and took the blow, he bled but killed all the Grimm I thought that Destwilder was going to fight me but he just left and I took a sample of his blood, then used it to make the advent deck. Due to that the weapons are an exact duplicate of Destwilder's. "

Ruby " How did you use his blood? "

Y/n " A bunch of machines to imbue the blood into the deck it took years but it works I accept the challenge Cardin. "

Y/n stood up, walked down to the arena and so did Cardin they both met at the arena. They both raised their guards with Cardin raising his mace and Y/n raising his axe, then a holographic screen showed up with two close up images of both Y/n and Cardin then two green lines going up both images signalling their levels of aura.

Glynda " Y/n are you ready? "

Y/n " Yes. "

Cardin " I am too teach. "

Glynda " Then begin! "

Both Y/n and Cardin charged at each other then clashed weapons, Cardin's mace moved away but Y/n's didn't. Y/n then kicked Cardin in the stomach sending him sliding back, Cardin then recovered then he charged at Y/n then constantly sent over head strikes at Y/n with his mace but Y/n kept blocking them. Then when Cardin did another over head strike Y/n blocked it with his axe but then put his axe head down making Cardin's mace slide down the axe, Y/n then headbutted Cardin making him stumble back and then finally Y/n head kicked Cardin in the side of the head sending him flying to the side and he dropped his mace. Cardin then stood back up and picked up his mace he charged at Y/n and when he got close he sent a strike towards Y/n's side but Y/n blocked it with his axe, then Y/n hit Cardin with the bottom of the axe's handle sending him stumbling back. Y/n then punched Cardin in the face then swept him under his own feet, when Cardin hit the ground his aura fell into the red.

Glynda " Cardin's aura has fallen into the red, Y/n wins. "

Y/n " That was a good match Cardin. "

Y/n walked away but Cardin stood up and charged at Y/n.

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