Chapter 1

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Mun-hee POV:

I sighed, addressing my mom while my dad remained stubborn. "Please," I implored gently. "Let me pursue in computer. I don't want to be a doctor. The world is evolving, and technology is advancing. Studying computer is my passion, and they offer promising opportunities."

My mom's response was sharp. "I don't care about success," she retorted. "You will become a doctor no matter what." My dad echoed her sentiment. "Your mom is right. Computer is a subject for weaker students. You're bright; why waste your potential on this?"

My heart sank. Despite my academic achievements and involvement in the student council, medicine wasn't my calling.

After a deep breath, I sighed and revealed, "I've already chosen software engineering as my major." My dad erupted angrily, rising from his chair. "Are you out of your mind?"

My mom's voice escalated into a yell. "You're seriously going to study computer at SNU? What will I tell people? Huh?"

She mocked me, saying, "Oh, our brilliant child got into SNU just to pursue something as stupid as computer!"

I murmured softly, pleading, "Mom." Her glare pierced through me as she snapped, "Don't you dare call me your mom," and stormed off. I glanced at my dad, who merely scoffed before storming out as well.

Alone at the dining table, the untouched dinner served as a stark reminder of the tension that hung heavy in the air. We hadn't even taken a bite. My heart shattered. I had always strived for good grades to please them, even enduring studying biology in high school just to meet their expectations.

But now, choosing my major should be my prerogative; after all, my future hinges on it. All I wanted was to pursue software engineering, nothing more. Was that too much to ask for?

Tears streamed down my face as I buried my head in my hands. I was weary of their control. It's my life, and the choice of my major should be mine alone. They were being selfish, and I resented them for it.

I despised that they were my parents. Through my tears, one thing remained clear: nothing could deter me from becoming a software engineer.

The following morning, I rose at 5 am, refreshed myself, and began packing my luggage. Retrieving cash from my savings, I acknowledged that money was the sole advantage I received from my parents.

Thanks to my father's position as CEO of some obscure fashion company, he was undeniably wealthy. While his business held no interest for me, I couldn't deny his wealth.

Placing an apology letter on the dining table, I gathered my belongings and glanced at myself in the mirror, smiling determinedly. "SNU, here I come," I declared.

-Time skip-

"215 ... 16... 17. Finally, room number 217," I exclaimed with excitement as I located my dorm room. SNU indeed boasted numerous dormitories. Unlocking the door with my keys, I entered to find four beds, signaling that I would have three roommates.

It promised to be an enjoyable experience. Spotting the one empty bed, I claimed it as mine, noticing the others already occupied with belongings.

I organized my clothes in the mini cupboard beside my bed, and arranged my books and laptop on the nearby study table. With my suitcase tucked neatly under the bed, I felt settled in my new space.

Feeling weary, I decided to rest, so I stretched out on my bed and draped the blanket over me. With classes scheduled to begin the next day, I welcomed the opportunity to recharge. Closing my eyes, I drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

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