Chapter 2

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Taehyung grinned, "I'm also in my second year, but studying Software Engineering."

Realizing that I had some experienced companions, I remarked, "Great, then this major won't be too difficult for me." I shared a glance with Taehyung, knowing we shared the same major, and he chuckled in agreement.

I believe the next four years with these three guys will be okay. It's definitely better than staying with my parents, at least.


"Um, so how old are you guys?" I inquired. Taehyung responded first, "I'm 21." Jimin chimed in, "I'm also 21." Jungkook followed, saying, "I'm 20." "Cool," I replied.

Jungkook then turned the question back on me, asking, "How old are you?" Nervously, I chuckled and admitted, "Well, I'm 18." Jungkook teased, "Ah, you're the youngest one here then." I simply nodded, feeling a bit self-conscious.

Glancing at my phone, I noticed it was already 8 pm. "Um, should we grab some food?" I suggested. "I mean, it's already 8 pm." Jimin explained, "Well, we usually eat around 9, but it's okay, let's go ahead."

I explained, "I just haven't eaten anything yet, so I'm hungry." Taehyung smiled and agreed, "Then let's go." With that, we all stood up. I grabbed my mini purse and slipped it into the front pocket of my pants.

As we exited the room, I couldn't help but notice the curious gazes from other guys in the corridor. I could practically feel their judgment, assuming I was some sort of hookup girl. It was humiliating being in a boys' dormitory; now everyone would think I was promiscuous or something.

As we made our way through the sitting area of the dormitory, I could feel the weight of everyone's stares. I wished I could disappear on the spot. Frustrated, I muttered, "Can't you all just walk faster?" to the guys.

They chuckled at my discomfort. Taehyung couldn't help but smirk as he replied, "Well, it's not our fault you ended up here." I groaned in frustration, muttering, "It's so embarrassing. I could kick them all in the balls, perverts." The guys continued laughing as we finally reached the exit, leaving the dormitory behind.

We made it to the convenience store, and I grabbed some ramen while the others picked out their own items. Once the ramen was ready, I sat at the table, Taehyung beside me, Jimin across from me, and Jungkook next to him. We ate in silence until I received a message on my phone.

Opening it, I was shocked to see a notification from the bank informing me that my dad had emptied out all the money. My eyes widened in disbelief, and I stopped eating. How could he do this to his own daughter?

Tears welled up in my eyes as I received a call from my dad. Answering it, I could feel the concerned gazes of the guys on me. I tried to compose myself as I said, "Yes, Dad."

His voice came through the phone, cold and heartless. "I want you to know that as of today, I disown you as my daughter. Never come back home again. Let's see how successful you can be." With that, he hung up.

Tears streamed down my face as I placed the phone on the table. Concern etched on their faces, Taehyung, who was sitting beside me, stopped eating and asked softly, "Hey, what's wrong, Mun-Hee?"

I could only continue crying. Jungkook chimed in, "Hey, what happened?" and Jimin added, "Mun-Hee, please tell us."

I managed to stop crying and let out a bitter chuckle. "My life literally sucks," I muttered. Taehyung's voice softened as he urged me, "Please, just tell us what happened."

Taking a deep breath and wiping away my tears, I explained, "My dad just disowned me and emptied out all the money from my bank account." The guys' expressions turned to shock. "What the hell?" Jungkook exclaimed. "How could he do that?"

Taehyung questioned, disbelief evident in his voice. Jimin's brow furrowed as he asked, "Why would he do that?"

I sighed heavily. "Actually, I technically ran away from home. My parents wanted me to pursue medicine and become a doctor, but I wanted to become a software engineer. This morning, I just left home and came here, applying for the dorm."

Their gazes softened as they listened. "They just think pursuing computer science is stupid. They believe only weak students choose this subject," I added bitterly. Jimin shook his head in frustration. "That's bullshit," he remarked.

Taehyung agreed, "Yeah, computer science students have a bright future ahead." Jungkook chimed in, "And coding is tough; not everyone can do it."

Feeling grateful for their support, I nodded in agreement. "I know, it's just my parents have that mentality," I said softly. Taehyung gently patted my back and reassured me, "It's okay. Let's just eat. Everything will be fine." Jimin nodded in agreement. "Yeah, and you have us," he added.

Jungkook smiled and nodded, affirming, "Yup, right, Hyung?" Taehyung smiled back and nodded. "Yup," he confirmed. Their attempts to comfort me nearly brought me to tears again. "Thank you. It really means a lot," I said gratefully. We then continued eating, the guys trying to lighten the mood with jokes and banter.

After finishing our food, Taehyung choked while drinking water and exclaimed, "Shit guys, we're late! The dorm closes in 10 minutes." Everyone's eyes widened. Taehyung grabbed my hand and we all dashed back to the dorm.

Jungkook kept yelling, "Hyung, run faster!" Jimin, running and breathing heavily, retorted, "Shut up, I'm trying. Mun-Hee, run faster!" I was nearly out of breath but pushed myself to keep up. At 9:58 pm, we finally reached the dorm, panting and gasping for air.

The guard glared at us and said, "Well, just in time. Two minutes to spare." We thanked him and went inside. Once we reached our room, I collapsed on the bed and said, "Fuck, that was fun."

Jungkook chuckled, "True." Taehyung fell onto his bed, "I've never run that fast in my life." Jimin, lying on his bed, added, "I literally saw my life flash before my eyes."

After a few minutes, I sat up on the bed and said, "I'll take a shower." They all just nodded. I went to the bathroom and was pleasantly surprised by how clean it was. I had never expected this because, typically, boys and a clean bathroom don't go hand in hand.

My own dad would always leave his facial hair on the floor after shaving, and my mom would constantly complain about it. He also had a habit of leaving his wet towel on the bathroom floor. I chuckled at the memory. I took a quick shower, then changed into shorts and a shirt. When I came out of the bathroom, I dried my hair with a hairdryer.

After drying my hair, I noticed the guys looking a bit awkward about me being in shorts. Jungkook commented, "You sure you want to show your legs?" Jimin chuckled, trying to suppress a smile.

I looked at them and asked, "Are you guys uncomfortable?" Taehyung, smiling nervously, smacked Jungkook on the head and said, "It's okay, we don't mind. Right, guys?" The others nodded in agreement, though I could tell they were still getting used to the idea.

I just shrugged and said, "Alright then," before laying down on my bed. "Goodnight," I called out to the guys as I pulled the blanket over myself.

"Goodnight," they replied, their voices a mix of amusement and fatigue.

As I settled into the comfort of my bed, I could hear them murmuring among themselves, their voices a mix of teasing and camaraderie.

Despite the earlier rush and the brief awkwardness, I felt a sense of belonging and comfort. Their presence, even with the playful jabs and jokes, made me feel at home.

Gradually, the sounds of their banter faded as sleep took over, and I drifted off with a smile, feeling grateful for the nice roommates I had by my side.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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