1. Lilliana

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Today was a very important day for me. Today, I was performing a solo at the ballet nationals,only the biggest dance event of the year. I was pretty anxious considering that I was the only one with a solo and my dance teacher expected a lot and by that I mean winning.

She wanted me to win, and if I didn't, it's safe to say that she would never let me dance a solo again. My dance teacher Abby Lee Miller is a great dance teacher but not a great person in general. She will literally make you a dancer the whole dance industry will remember, but if you piss her off, she will leave you begging for one dance.

Right now, I was backstage, rehearsing my dance, hoping not to forget a step, or else Abby will have my head. Finally, it was my turn. I made my entrance and started doing my peice but mid way I twisted my ankle doing a step which I have been trying to perfect for the past two weeks but still I managed to do my dance perfectly with a twisted ankle.

Finally, after my dance, I went backstage and well tried to bandage my ankle by myself, which I failed miserable at, so I just left it. After all the dances were done, it was time to pass out the awards. As we were sitting on the stage waiting anxiously for the ceremony to begin.

Finally, the host came on stage and started the ceremony.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you all for being present today at nationals dance competition. Now, I will not keep you waiting and finally start the ceremony. So we will first begin with solos of the junior category."

She announced the winners for the junior category and moved to the senior's category, the one I was in, and my anxiety stared kicking in. Then she started announcing the winners and I got even more anxious since I didn't win 2nd or 3rd place and I didn't exactly expect to win because of the mid way mess up, then she was getting the crowd anxious for the 1st place winner.

"And finally, the first place winner for the senior's category solo goes to any guesses. Okay, okay, I won't keep you waiting any longer. So the winner is Lilliana Williams from Abby Lee dance company."

The crowd literally went crazy when she said my name and I was beyond overjoyed because I did not expect to win but I did which made me so happy and I was more happy knowing that Abby won't kill me. So I got up and collected my award.

And now it was time to give out the awards for the group dances for which I danced with a twisted ankle so even if we don't win Abby should be grateful that I still danced because I was the lead. So the host announced the 2nd and 3rd place winners, and it was not us, so I got anxious, and finally, she began to announce the 1st place winner.

"So the first place winner for the group dance is Abby Lee dance company." We won. God, we won at nationals. Abby is going to be so happy. After we collected our award and the ceremony came to an end, we all went outside the building to celebrate.

"So we won at nationals, which is a huge achievement for us this year, and yes, I am not supposed to scold anyone for any mistakes as we did win, but come on, I am Abby Lee Miller." And what said sacred me.

"So lily, you twisted your ankle on a step you have been told to perfect."

"Yes" I said, looking clearly ashamed.

"So did you, or did you not try to perfect it?" She asked.

"I did" I said.

"Then why did you fumble?" She asked. She didn't look mad or even disappointed, just curious.

"I don't know." I replied.

"Okay, well, I am not going to scold you today since we won, but I want you to make sure that such a mistake does not happen again and take care of your ankle." Saying that Abby treated all of us to dinner.

After dinner, we were standing outside the restaurant, taking pictures.

"Hey Lily, could you take a picture of me and lizzy?" asked my friend Luna, handing me her phone,

"oh yeah, sure," I said, taking her phone to click their photo.

"Here" I said, clicking their photo, "thanks lils" lizzy said, taking her phone and walking away.

After that, I went to Elliana, my best friend, to take photos because, to be honest, I have barely ten photos with her.

"Hey ellie, let's take pictures together" I said, "yeah sure" she said, and we started taking pictures.

After our photo sessions, we all said our goodbyes and went home.

"Finally,home sweet home" ellie said throwing herself on the couch,

"yeah finally now were free for the next two months" I said laying beside Ellie,

"well I am going to go take a shower and head to bed and I will directly see you tomorrow,good night" ellie said getting up from the couch,

"Okay, good night" I said laughing.

I also went and took a shower which felt amazing for my muscles and my ankle but when I got out of the shower the pain got bad so I applied some gel on my ankle which is supposed to heal sprains and again tried to bandage which I did this is time and it was terrible but I let the bandage stay as it was. And I very carefully made my way to my room.

I sat on my bed looking at the photos we took today when a photo caught my attention. In the background of a photo,

I saw a very handsome looking guy in a suite and everything. And he was looking good like hot good, so me being me, I went on Google and checked who he was, and turns out he is a very famous lawyer his name is Noah Smith.

So I went on Instagram and stalked the living shit out his id like to the point where I found out his address. And let's just say that Noah Smith has a stalker and with that, I switched off my laptop and called it a night.

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Love you, byee. Until next time ❤❤

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